Sunday, July 2, 2023

It's Crowded Up There


We don't have direct Land routes and transport (trains, cars, trucks, motorcycles) - from Israel, Out.

 Maritime transport by ship - through our ports Haifa in the north, Ashdod  in the center,  Eilat in the south - is chiefly for cargo (freight).   Naturally, it's slow and awkward.

So, we are left mainly with Air Transport from our central  Ben Gurion Airport, to go abroad, reach the world.  Lately, I saw a piece of information in the Media that both surprised me and frightened me.

Surprised, because its mere publication might badly affect our tourism; frightened because it says something like: 'it's too crowded up there'.  It is not referring only to the increase in number and size of planes and flights, but also to the fact that Iran (not a friend) is trying to reduce our air space activity.

Iran does so, through Hezbollah ( a terror organization,  located in Lebanon , on our northern border). It is suspected that  Iran provides Hezbollah with all kinds of  air systems capable of creating air chaos for us. Even if there's some exaggeration in this kind of news, still it gives one food to thought.

It's interesting to note that almost every major religion (christian, catholic, jewish etc..) has a travelsafe travel prayer. Most of the prayer texts I've seen on the Web are beautiful and touching! 

I've got one too (in hebrew), and I keep a copy of it in the suitcase, bag, purse.

May God protect us!


  1. Israel is one of the tiniest countries on earth. So even if the neighbouring countries were totally friendly, flying in and out would be a bit anxiety provoking. Our cruise from Haifa, however, was a pleasure.

    1. Yes, a cruise can be very successful, but it's not for everyone. It's not good for me, for example, as I get seasick. A flight is a matter of hours not of days, so even if one feels unwell, one can drag it until landing.

  2. How very frightening. And I am already not comfortable in the air.

    1. Indeed, it can be frightening. Land transport, with all its terrible accidents, is still the most stable and smooth form of transport.

  3. I did not realize Hezbollah was in Lebanon. Very scary indeed. With all of the illegal immigrants coming across our border now, it cause me great concern that terrorists are also coming in. Janice

    1. Well, we can't always prevent /avoid bad things from happening, despite efforts and planning. Life has its surprises.

  4. Don't know what the world is coming to with all this talk and fighting in some areas.
    Seems most unfair what you have said and also must be a big worry at times Duta.
    Do take care.

    1. We live in deep worries here; we are used to it. Things are, sadly, becoming worrying worldwide.

  5. I think of some of the misery people have had here in recent days at the airports with strange landings and take-off. Its not even a pandemic anymore..and I want to just stay home. Of course, as we grow smarter (supposedly) someone is always watching us. Thanks for the post!

    1. True. There's a lot of misery going on at airports regarding both departures and landings, missing luggage, check-in and check-out queues.

  6. It's sad and crazy. You're right though, this seems to be increasing all over.

    1. Even without any conflicts, things seem to have become rather dangerous up there, because of the increase in number of planes and flights.

  7. Oh, that news is so disturbing to me, Duta! Israel has been and always will have a special place in my heart. I hate to hear that you all are being threatened by Middle East extremists. Why can't we all just live in peace?
    Blessings, and stay safe!

    1. Thanks Martha for your kind words and wishes. Blessings to you too!

  8. This is the last thing you need, given the importance of air travel (and tourism) to your country. We humans are all one people; why do we hate the "other"? I also wanted to comment about travel safe prayers. Later this month, I may be visiting a site with a famous rock called "Plymouth Rock" which is part of United States history. Less well known, in the same town, is Sacrifice Rock, where Native Americans used to leave offerings as a prayer for safe travel.

    1. The story behind Sacrifice Rock where native americans left offerings as a prayer for safe travel, is very interesting!

  9. Sad and scary. We have to live our lives and try not to be afraid. Living in today's world anything can happen but all we can do is be aware and try and stay safe.

    1. I totally agree with you. "...all we can do is to be aware and try and stay safe". And that's a lot.

  10. Why can't people seek peace? The world is in such a mess. Before we travel we always say a prayer for protection and safety. Take care.

    1. I say the prayer before and during the flight or whatever form of travel. In fact I read it. I have a written copy of the original prayer.

  11. What sadness it gives me not to be able to travel at will for fear of wars that are lurking anywhere in the world.

    1. Sad ,indeed. We are human, and as such have fears. We try to conquer our fears and act naturally, but it doesn't always work.

  12. Replies
    1. True, but we try to adjust to reality and 'go with the flow'.

  13. I never like traveling by plane. I find it too stressful.

    1. Me neither, but it's the most efficient, short way to reach a destination abroad.

  14. I haven't been in a plane in almost 25 years and I don't plan on ever flying again but if that's the only way you have to get around if you need to go somewhere it's sad that space is being taken away from you.

  15. The last plane I took was in May from Bucarest, Frankfurt, Brussels ! It was awful we had to wait for 6 h in the different aiports because of safety controls etc ! I will never take a plane again unless it is really necessary. In fact yes you are really locked in ! I saw Israel from far when we crossed the sea with a ferry to see Petra. I was so impressed from the war ships which looked so scary to me and which were all along the Israel border.

    1. Yes, it's getting crowded up there and on airports., with or without neighbourly conflicts. However, if we wish to get abroad from Israel, air transport is the only plausible way.

  16. Thanks Luiz for your understanding. Hopefully, things won't escalate into something dangerous.

  17. That's terrible. I had no idea. Crowded up tthere in any manner of speaking but something like that is just horrid.

    1. It is. Hopefully, things are under control, and nothing bad is going to happen.

  18. Flaco favor le hace al turismo esta noticia que nos cuentas, de la que yo pienso, que lo primero debería de empezar a hacer el gobierno de Israel es, llegar a acuerdos de paz y buenas relaciones con tantos países que odian a este país, como Siria, Líbano, Iran, Palestina e incluso creo que también Egipto, y dejar de usar las armas, en lo que Israel es una potencia, y que con Palestina las utiliza de forma desmesurada. Al menos es lo que yo pienso.
    Y de lo que si estoy seguro, es que habría innumerables países que estarían dispuesto a mediar en tales conflictos, entre ellos España.
    ¡Ah!, y se me olvidaba decirte que jamás me monté en un avió me montaré.
    Un fuerte abrazo, apreciada amiga.

    1. Really, never got on a plane? You are someone special, Manuel!
      Yes, I agree, peace and good relations might solve a lot of problems among countries, but, sadly, it's not up to me.

  19. Replies
    1. In Poland you have good Land transport possibilities, so you don't have to rely on planes.

  20. Quite worrisome, but with God's help, we"ll manage. Thanks, Sandra.

  21. Israel is surrounded by not-so-friendly neighbours and I never realized the risks of flying in such a space. It makes one think. Wars and rumours of wars abound these days. So very sad. We must have faith that God will one day put things right.

    1. Indeed, thoughts of flying, rumors of wars, abound hese days, but faith in God puts it all in the right perspective.

  22. That is certainly not good news considering the fact that other avenues of delivering goods to your area as slim to none. Let's hope it is just rumors and doesn't come to pass. Hope you are well!

    1. I wish it were only just rumors! Thanks for your kind words, Alicia.

  23. I must admit this is something I've not thought about ...
    Interesting to read your post and peoples comments.

    All the best Jan

    1. Nobody thinks about such things, till one reads it in the news. Hopefully they won't dare to mess with air traffic.

  24. "Even if there's some exaggeration in this kind of news..."

    It is certainly hard to tell these days.

    Nonetheless, many Christians pray for your safety and peace. He who blesses Israel is blessed. He who curses Israel, well...

    1. Thank you Sandi, and thanks Christians for the support and blessings for Israel.
