Saturday, August 31, 2024


I was familiar with the name , but not with the nature of the sport  itself.  Now, that we have a Taekwondo gold medalist, I'm getting interested.

Asaf Yasur, 22 year old,  of Israel,  has defeated the Turkey  fighter in the category of under 58, at the Paralympics - sports for athletes with an impairement  (parallel games to the Olympics ). He competes with athletes who have lost both hands, one hand, or a toe.  Asaf, lost both his hands at age 13, after being electrocuted.

Taekwondo is a martial art like judo,  karate, boxing, capoeira, tai chi, jiu-jitsu ,  all of which teach  self-defence, improving at the same time physical and mental abilities.  

We live in a dangerous world with pretty agressive people. A  physical confrontation can happen at any time, so we'd better be ready for it. 

The training starts with learning basic kicks, and gradually progresses to light contact with the adversary before learning to kick and block him.

The Paralympics opened  in Paris on 28 August and will last till the 8 of September with a participation of over 4000 athletes from all over the world.  These games ar very popular , and attract thousands of ticket buyers.

                                                                           basic kicks (AI generated image)

Asaf  Yasur celebrating  winning of medal (web photo)


  1. We have at least two Olympians from the area I live in although I don't think either won a medal (one in martial arts, one in bobsled). My son was in martial arts for several years starting in elementary school. I congratulate Asaf Yasur and other ParaOlympians. Their events are finally getting TV coverage.

    1. Asaf won the medal on the very first day of the games (28.8). Yes, he deserves our congratulations.
      Your son, Alana dear, deserves deep appreciation for his years in martial arts training.

  2. Living in a dangerous world, we must keep aware of our surroundings. Younger people walk around listening to music or on their phones. When I'm out and about I'm always paying attention to my surroundings.

    1. Good, valuable observation regarding our youngsters, Bill! They are deeply into their mobile phones taking no notice of their surroundings.

  3. I think the Paralympics are pretty amazing. Those athletes have overcome a lot. Congrats to your gold medal winner.

    1. Amazing, indeed! They are great achievers despite their impairment.
      Thanks for congratulating our winner Asaf.

  4. Great sport! -Christine

    1. I wish I'd know more about sports. They are all great, and contribute to our well-being.

  5. I support our Paraolympians though regular donations and I am thrilled that they are finally getting some media coverage. Winners, one and all.

    1. Kudos t,o you Sue, for the donations! Yes, they are all winners, and they deserve to get the best coverage and publicity!

  6. I wish I had done a martial art as a child, even if only at a low level. As important as the skill is the self-confidence they give. My daughter did karate.

    1. Right; self-confidence is very important.
      Kudos to your daughter for her participating in karate training!

  7. I'm very careful when I'm out -- especially if I'm alone. I know little about this (apart from the name) so it is interesting to learn more.

    1. It's worth learning about martial arts at any age, Jeanie.

  8. Awesome to see your post. My cousin started this soon after he got married. And now he helps teach it to kids in his city. He finds that it gives great discipline to the kids, as well. It has kept him fit. He is on the short side. I'm not sure if that's why he took it up, but he enjoys it and he is part of a good community in the sport.

    1. I'm sure your cousin got many benefits from practising this sport, and now gets great satisfaction from passing it on to kids.

  9. I am loving my kickboxing :-) Given the chance, I would love to learn taekwondo!

  10. Kudos to you, Angie! Your kickboxing is probably as successful as your food recipes.

  11. Congratulations to Asaf. Wonderful sport is Taekwondo, my sons did it as young teens for several years.

    1. Yes, Congrats to Asaf, and Kudos to your sons, Margaret!

  12. Congratulations to the athlete! An incredible victory from tragedy as a child! Asaf is an example of how to overcome adversity and thrive!

    1. There's much to be learnt from Asaf's case. He's an example and an inspiration for others, proving that adversity of fate can be overcome.

  13. It is interesting that there is Tae Kwan Doe in the Special Olympics. That is wonderful. I used to be a special education teacher's assistant.
    My grandson is a second degree blackbelt and I agree about all the positives you talked about.

    1. Kudos to your grandson for his blackbelt, Sandie! He sure is proud of his martial art training.

  14. I read about it. The athlete deserves all the accolades.

    1. Right, Catarina. All the accolades and more.

  15. Congratulations to Israel's gold medalist! I'm always amazed by those who overcome their disabilities and refuse to give up.
    Blessings, Duta!

    1. I'm also highly amazed by that - the spirit overcoming disability and refusing to give up.
      Blessings to you too, Martha!

  16. Congrats to the young Israeli! Wow, what an honor, and how proud you must be of his great success against all odds. Bless you and your people, dear friend.

    1. Hi, Debra. Good to hear from you!
      Indeed, Asaf, the winner of the gold medal , has brought great honour to his country, and to his fellow athletes belonging to the Paralympic movement of athletes with disabilities.
      Blessings to you, too!

  17. I had Tai chi, for a year or so, but I gave it up it was quite difficult to keep all the moves in mind. It was too slow for me, it should be anti stressing, but it stressed me ! My son has had Judo for a few years and then he gave up because he was too young to get the brown belt, he had to wait for 2 years. But what he had learned helped him, when he was attacked by a guy who wanted to have his money.

    1. The good thing is that there's a variety of martial arts, so everyone can choose the
      practice that best fits him.
      Judo and Karate, are, methinks the top in these self-defence practices.

  18. Congratulations to Asaf Yasur for his Gold Medal. What a honor...but I am even more amazed that the Gold Medal is in the Paralympics. To think that he has been living without his hands since he was 13 years old and has not allowed that stop him from achieving such a worthwhile goal. I'm truly blessed by his achievement. I'm also humbled when I think of the minor aches and pains that I complain about.

    1. Amazing and inspiring! Without his hands, he has proved ability to achieve high goals and overcome his disability.

  19. The next Olympics will be in 2028 in LA and then in 2032 in Brisbane. If any bloggers are hoping to come to beautiful Brisbane, drop me a note first.

    1. Hosting the Olympics is a great honour (and 'headache', I suppose) for any country in the world. I'm sure both LA and Brisbane will do their best.

  20. Es impresionante la fortaleza mental y de superación de estos deportistas, que son para todo el mundo, un ejemplo a seguir; y por lo que me hubiera gustado mucho que la fotografía final hubiese sido de Asaf Yasur luciendo su merecida medalla de ORO.
    ¡Felicidades Campeón!
    Y muy bonita tu foto editada en IA.
    Un abrazo, amiga Duta.

  21. You're right, Manuel, about the photo. Here's a photo of the champion Asaf Yasur.
    He won the medal on the first day of the contest.
    Since then, more medals were won, and in different disciplines (swimming, for insrance).
    As you said: : a great example of mental strength and self-improvement.

  22. Congratulations to Asaf Yasur! I have not followed the Paralympics this time, just have been too busy, but I admire them greatly! Actually all athletes, I know how hard it is to motivate myself to exercise, I can't even imagine training as they do.

    1. True. All athletes deserve our appreciation for their efforts and achievements. It's hard work that demands full dedication.

  23. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mary. Definitely Congrats to Asaf Yasur, our gold medalist!

  24. I'm glad the paralympics are getting some attention though more is deserved. I hope you are well.

    1. Yes, they certainly are. I'm well, thanks for enquiring, e.

  25. Mi mas sincera enhorabuena para Asaf Yasur y todos los atletas que han participado..


    1. Wellcome, Conchi. It's a good feeling to congratulate Asaf and all the other athletes for their achievements.

  26. Well done and congratulations to Asaf on winning his medal.

    All the best Jan

    1. Well done, indeed. Thanks Jan for congratulating Asaf . He definitely deserves it.
