Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Global Challenges


The world is facing now two major challenges: Climate Change and Covid 19. The general opinion is that there should be some global action initiated by a global factor to tackle these challenges. 

Yes, but who? The UN is a farce; the great powers are fiction. Besides, the world was created as a highly divided place, geographically and otherwise, and that makes it very hard, almost impossible, to find global solutions.  

My personal opinion as someone who believes in the supernatural power named God, is that  these two challenges belong to God's domain. Only He has control of the virus and of the Climate. We should, therefore pray to God , individually and directly, asking for salvation. 

It might help, unless God is determined to reset His Creation ( the world, the universe), making it a better place, less divided, and especially with no races. Racism and racial conflicts are  a never-ending issue which gradually and steadily destroy the world.

Anyway, we have reason to be scared. I believe the disasters (fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, volcano eruptions) are near the door . People act as if it's something in the future. No, it's happening now, in the present.

Our winters in Israel are usually mild, and buildings are built accordingly. Well, during our last winter, I told myself that I'd better move out before the roof moves in; that bad.

People tend to associate climate change with pollution. I believe pollution has little to do with that; it doesn't reach the very upper sphere where climate is being "cooked". But even if it does affect  climate as many of us believe , and not only our health,  hypocrisy won't lead us far; there's constant talk about plastics, but almost no mention of cars and their big role in creating pollution.

Anyway,  I'm open to ideas and suggestions about some significant global action operated by and through God 's Will that could give us  Hope.


  1. "the great powers are fiction"

    Were truer words ever spoken?

    I believe in prayer too. God help us. As for a global response or action... well, Duta, there are those in our world who pretend to be for the global good, but they are only for themselves. God help us.

    1. Glad you agree with me about the great powers, Sandi. They are neither Great nor Powers. It's what people want to believe, but people are wrong, and not for the first time; they also believe in politicians, and in covid experts.

  2. the world is changind now... so fast so agresive. Soon we will be out of fresh water...

    1. Yes, very aggressive. I'm afraid of famine and of water shortage in the near future.

    2. me too... We should be more aware of this situation and start maybe saving and protecting our planet?

    3. 'Saving' and 'protecting' are key words that should guide us through all the mess felt nowadays in our world.

  3. "The UN is a farce; the great powers are fiction." Politics can only take us so far. Although, I think the world has been evolving since the beginning. Floods have came. Earthquakes have changed the landscape. Dinosaurs were taken away. Maybe we are smarter now, but still dumb about a lot of things. Of course, they always say TIME is the great healer..it's just a wound pops open somewhere else. It could be emotions, or what folks thought was right all this time..just to figure out it wasn't so. All we have is kindness. Maybe it'll get contagious and we will find a way to look out for each other. Or it will be decided it's just too damn expensive to have a war.

    1. "All we have is kindness". I wish that was true, but it isn't.Most of us are wicked. The world has been evolving but not in the right direction; It is on the decline, and Time is not in our favor.

    2. So true. Just when we think progress has done the right thing, we have a set back. I do hope you have a wonderful September.

    3. I'm afraid we have more than a set back here.
      Anyway, wishing you too a wonderful September!

  4. Sometimes we can look at history for answers.

    1. Right. They say 'history repeats itself', don't they. On the other hand, we are told not to "tackle a new war with the tactics of an old one". So, go figure.

  5. Global responses are difficult, agreed. But individual and local community responses are not. We already recycle all organic rubbish; we don't buy supermarket products that have plastic; no lights or air conditioning on in rooms not being used; use of trams wherever possible instead of our cars; separate our rubbish into the council's various bins etc etc. Just a start perhaps, but easily achieved.

    1. Sounds good - that's the right way to go for our health and safety. However, local responses cannot solve global challenges like the two mentioned in my post.

  6. More now than before we need to work together to solve the problems.
    But will we?

    All the best Jan

    1. ןndeed, we need to work together,but I'm not optimistic about that. Based on the knowledge of how the world behaves,chances are not very good. I hope I'm wrong on this.

  7. Seeing how most nations don't want to work together for anything, I doubt they will ever come together to tackle this either.

    1. True. It's hard to believe nations will join forces even against such terrible challenges as the two above.

  8. I agree - people can't change things, only God can. We do need to be praying.

    1. I totally believe in the power of praying. I tend to say my prayers in an individual manner, not within an organized, religious crowd of some sort.

  9. I believe to what Mari said in a comment above mine...People can't change things...Only God, and we ALL need to be praying...
    Thank you for visiting my blog and the nice comment you left for me.

    1. You're welcome.
      People think highly about themselves, but the fact is they are helpless when facing Nature and its elements of destruction. Only a super power (God) can deal with it.

  10. I'm not scared or afraid :) I think we are seeing a lot of birth pains and with them getting closer and closer, I wonder if our salvation is coming sooner than later, which would definitely please me.

    I believe we live in a fallen world that happened after the sin Adam/Eve committed. I don't think this present world will ever be restored.

    I was just thinking and saying to my husband this morning that people who believe in Jesus are looking for him to come and save them temporally, not eternally; just like when he came the first time. Then, they were hoping he would overthrow the Roman empire. But as His kingdom is eternal, I'm thinking there won't be any saving of temporal, physical things, but then what do I know? All I know is to pray and be faithful and not to be afraid :)


    1. We live indeed in a 'fallen world'as you say. Perhaps, the virus and the climate disasters will lead to a Reset of this world, but this would mean that we, humans, might also be replaced in the process.

  11. Yet, climate change is more than just a secular environmental issue; it is an urgent challenge that goes to the core of our faith and spirituality and how this is reflected in the ways we view the world and in what we do. Climate change is moving us to recon- sider and revise what we have previously assumed or believed. In that sense, it is changing theology—how we have thought about God and the rest of creation especially in the modern era.
    In 2008, a survey was sent out asking people in different local set

    1. I agree with every word in your comment.
      Climate change is definitely a challenge that forces us to reconsider and revise things regarding our beliefs.

  12. God sends these 'things' to test us, He will decide when things happen, who will live and who will die. It's all mapped out.
    Take care.

  13. HE doesn't have to test us in order to know things and take decisions. God is omni present, omni potent, omniscient(all-knowing).

  14. I wish I had answers. Things are bad and getting worse and it seems now that the things we can do won't fix it -- maybe help a little, but only if everyone participates. And good luck with that.

    1. No, no answers.We think we have them, but we don't.It's too big on us. We're just tiny dots in the universe, helpless in front of Nature and its elements.

  15. I agree that climate change is a naturally occurring thing--not humanly caused. On the issue of race: do you believe God made a mistake in creating so many? I like to think the God-given differences in all of us can give us the opportunity to expand our love and acceptance for all His children. Loving those who aren't like us causes us to learn and grow and become more like our creator. Just my 2 cents.

    1. Your words sound beautiful and right, yet so far races have proven to be a big headache,not love and acceptance; a never-ending issue which interferes with the world's evolution.

  16. Climate change is due to increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They discovered the increase in carbon dioxide in the 1950s by accident. I have a degree in biology. I never liked teaching environmental science in that it was frustrating to see nothing being done. We did have laws enacted in the United States which improved water quality and air quality.

    However, it is a global effort. Some countries do nothing for the environment. Some put a huge effort into protecting the environment.

    I do feel God is in charge and moves in mysterious ways. As a result, I do what I can. I recycle when I can. I avoid use of items that are polluters or big energy users. But I don't worry about what I cannot change.

    1. I'm familiar with the term 'carbon dioxide' from the carbonated, sparkling soda water of which I'm very fond as a light drink. This kind of soda is made by inserting carbon dioxide gas under pressure.
      As someone with a degree in biology, you know more than any of us about climate and pollution. Thanks for the information.

  17. Well written. Things will continue to get worse as the book of revelation has warned us. We can only pray and seek God for His mercy.

    1. Thank you. As they say' it will get worse before it gets better'.
      Prayer to God is always the best advice.

  18. If we don't change the planet will change us, and -I believe that this change won't like us.

  19. There's logic in what you say, and we should definitely take your words to our attention.

  20. After reading your post, Duta, and the comments it reminded me of all the stories in the news about people refusing to get the virus vaccine even after members of their own family or friends have fallen ill or worse yet, died. In mississippi, a U.S. state with one of the highest non-vaccination rates and infection levels, many are still quoted as saying vaccines have not been tested enough and they keep praying...yet people keep getting ill or dying.

    1. As I've already mentioned previously, Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world; people are being given now the third dose (booster); and yet we are close to disaster,about a thousand infected daily. We are told then, that there's a decline in those with critical condition, which is encouraging. But then I checked things and saw that the number of those that got off the critical group has joined the group of the deaths...Here goes your decline. So stories in the news tell one nothing.

  21. This year I had the impression we had no season at all, I only saw at the trees that it was winter because they had no leaves. The whole year long I wore the same clothes and now that August finished with 12 °C Septembher greeted us with 24°C I wonder if we have to wear summer cvlothes at Christmas ! But since the creation of our world clima has changed, and animals and nature too. I haven't seen a dinosaur lately but maybe they will come back too. It's just the planet which changes, who knows if the other planets have changed too ! Anyway we can't change anything ! I won't rake my brain about that, humans are just little things who can't do nothing against the force of the nature !

    1. Your remark about 'summer clothes at Christmas' made me smile. We probably have seen nothing yet. Climate is going to surprise us, even shock us, and we are helpless about that.

  22. We have definitely been feeling the downsides of climate change here in Australia as bushfire season has been getting worse and worse. The fires creeping closer and closer to us each year. We are lucky that they predict a wetter than usual spring and summer - I hope it eventuates here so there are less bushfires, but not so much that we have floods - our house should be safe here from floods as it's up high on a hill but we know the roads out have flooded before so we always need to be wary in summer - when it doesn't rain or when it does rain!

    Hope you are having a great weekend :) We went to Australia Zoo yesterday, so much fun :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Yes, I've heard about the australian wild fires; things are getting worse from year to year. May God help!

      I'm glad you had a fun day at the Zoo, yesterday. May you have much fun and pleasure in life!

  23. I follow science and understand that climate change is a natural process, not affected by people. At one point northern USA was under one to two miles of ice, (yes, ice miles deep) and the ice melted due to climate change, long before humans were on earth. I agree with your thoughts in this post.

    1. Sadly, we people are helpless when facing Nature's elements.
      Thanks for agreeing with my thoughts in this post.
