Whenever in the neighbouring town, I used to pass by a small optical shop and peep inside. The guy there, was a familiar face from childhood. I went to the same school class with his elder brother, so I hoped perhaps to see the brother there one day, or enter to ask about his whereabouts. Neither of it has happened.
During the last two years I noticed the complete absence in the shop, of his wife , the optician. I became curious. Something seemed wrong. One day, several weeks ago, when there was no customer inside , I plucked up the courage and entered. I introduced myself, we talked about this and that, I asked about the brother, and then about his wife.
Oh, he said, she's at home with the grandkids; no need for her to be here. I do it all. You?! How come?! Are you an optician too? No. Have you taken any courses in optics, optometrics, something professional? No. So?!! Well, I've learnt it all from her, from customers , from life. I was in shock. He actually admitted to be some kind of a pretender.
I suppose he does a lot of work, but not all of it, as she might lose her licence of optician/optometrist. My theory is that whenever a big problem arises, or there's a potential, serious customer, the husband gives her a call and she comes immediately as they live quite near the business.
Anyway, I've changed my route since then, so that I won't be tempted to face him and his story again. In a way, I feel some strange 'appreciation' for his ability and 'talent' to do the job of an optician without being one. I feel much less appreciative of his wife for cooperating with this deceptive practice.