Sunday, October 29, 2023

'Optician Puzzle'


Whenever in the neighbouring town,  I used to pass by a small optical shop and peep inside. The guy  there,  was a familiar face from childhood. I went to the same school class with his elder brother, so I hoped perhaps to see the brother there one day, or enter to ask about his whereabouts.  Neither of it has happened.

During the last two years I noticed the complete absence in the shop,  of his wife , the optician. I became curious. Something seemed wrong. One day, several weeks ago,  when there was no customer inside , I plucked up the courage and entered. I introduced myself, we talked about this and that, I asked about the brother, and then about his wife.

 Oh, he said, she's at home with the grandkids;  no need for her to be here.  I do it all. You?!   How come?! Are you an optician too? No. Have you taken any courses in optics, optometrics, something professional? No.   So?!!  Well, I've learnt it all from her, from customers , from life.  I was in  shock.  He actually admitted to be some kind of a pretender.

I suppose he does a lot of work, but not all of it, as she might lose her licence of optician/optometrist. My theory is that whenever a big problem arises, or there's a potential, serious customer, the husband gives her a call and she comes immediately as they live quite near the  business.

Anyway, I've changed my route since then, so that I won't be tempted to face him and his story again.  In a way, I feel some strange 'appreciation'  for his ability  and 'talent' to do the job of an optician without being one.  I feel much less appreciative of his wife for cooperating with this deceptive practice.


  1. Haces muy bien, porque es un riesgo muy grande el poner en manos de un cualquiera, las vistas de las personas.
    Y me hago una pregunta, si no es profesional ¿como sabe él cuando es grave o no, para llamar a su esposa?.
    Estos casos hay que denunciarlos a las autoridades, sobre todo cuando se juega con la salud y la vida de las personas.
    Un abrazo, amiga.

    1. Yes, it should be reported, but I'll not 'blow the whistle'. The shop is centrally located, it has customers that should be able (at least one or two of them) to detect mispractice. I'm from out of town, not a customer, not familiar with details.

  2. Dearest Duta,
    That is indeed strange and their license might be revoked that way!
    People are different but we ought not to cheat on customers...
    Mariette of 42.9 kg

    1. "... we ought not to cheat on customers..." - Definitely.
      What's this about 42.9 kilo? Weight loss?Hope you feel well.

    2. Sorry to hear you're in pain, dear Mariette. Wishing you the right healing, and the very Best in life!

  3. It's possible he's only doing the retail side, and there's no need for a qualified optician to do that. The technical measuring and prescribing may take only a fraction of each day, so she might be in then, though you haven't seen her, possibly in the back room. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt.

    1. You may be right Boud ; your words sound logical.
      I also don't like to jump to conclusions, and usually give the benefit of doubt.
      Perhaps, he was exaggerating things to make a certain impression on me.

  4. Glad your curiosity was satisfied.

    1. Yes, you could say that. In a way I got my curiosity satisfied.

  5. Wow, that is really something. I'm surprised none of the customers have spoken up about it.

    1. Yes, I was more than surprised. I was rather shocked. Perhaps they concentrate on elderly customers, who knows.

  6. That is definitely worrying and a disservice to their customers. I wonder just how much is missed.

    1. I would like very much to believe, Boud is right, and there's no mispractice here. But I have no way of knowing the truth.

  7. Wow, but as they say it runs i the family. Seems I recall a family alot like this back in my hometown too. On one hand they really know those who they serve so you have to keep that in mind, but still I thought that was cracked down on these days.

    1. I might give it another try, and
      enter the shop to find out more about how the couple runs the business and treat their customers. I feel it's an unfinished story.

    2. Hope you are doing well. I am traveling in Texas....winter is here. Mainly cold but almost bitter cold where I live. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    3. Safe and warm travel, ellie! Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers

  8. Hope they work out a plan to handle the biz and family...but if he just handles the retail side, then that's fine, esp. the optician just lives near by.

    1. I wish Boud's theory about the retail side is correct, and that his talk about 'doing it all' is just a show off.

  9. That’s a tough one. I’d struggle with what to do as well.

    1. I don't know enough to report the matter. The guy doesn't look like an impostor to me. I wish to believe that he was just trying to "show off".

  10. I would think he wouldn't want that story to get around, it could cause problems. I wonder how many people actually do something like this.

    1. Well, it's the first time I have encountered something like this. He spoke to me quite openly. He's talkative, and perhaps a bit naive.

  11. Oh no. So sad. For customers and for her. He's stolen her identity and made her a housewife only now.

    1. I believe she's the dominant part in this couple, and he's the instrument. He'll do whatever she wants.

  12. This is interesting. I understand you not wanting to get involved since you're from another town. I agree.

    I’m very thankful that you visited my blog the other day. Your visit to my blog and the comment you left brightened my day! Thanks for being a part of my online blogging journey.

    1. Not only am I from another town, but I've never actually been in touch with the couple, and I'm also not familiar with details except the ones the husband has told me.

  13. Such a strange story, Duta, I have to say. Deception, no matter what form it takes, is never healthy.

    1. Strange, indeed. Deception is never healthy - as you say. If, and when the war is over (Please God!), , I might , God willing, pay another visit to the shop and have a word with the guy .

  14. Well Duta, that doesn't sound too good, practising doing something you are not qualified for, when all said and done our eyes are precious, what if he missed something important...not good, not good at all in my book.

    1. Right. I agree with you, Margaret; it doesn't sound good at all (that is, if his story is completely true).

  15. Wow Horrible business practice. I am surprised he was open with you about what he does there.

    1. He was open and talkative. I caught him when he was alone in the shop, so he felt free to talk on his brother, and answer my question about his wife.

  16. Boa tarde de segunda-feira, com muita paz e saúde minha querida amiga Duta. Espero que você goste da postagem de hoje.

  17. Well here in the US he would be charged for being something he is not. Janice

    1. i'm sure of that. In The USA, law and order are much more seriously regarded and obeyed than here.

  18. Goodness, this is concerning.
    Perhaps as has been mentioned in other comments he does the retail and she comes in for sight tests etc. (but who knows?)

    All the best Jan

    1. That's what I would like to believe (he does the retail....), but we're in the middle of war now, and it's not the proper time to try to get to the bottom of it.

  19. Interesting. I think you can learn a lot without formal training but that's something pretty important and you sort of would appreciate someone who has been more officially trained. I don't know the licensing requirements there but it seems like he's taking a bit of a chance.

    1. I hope he's not taking any chances and obeys the law and the licensing requirements.

  20. Por muitos habilidosos que haja é sempre preferível confiar na experiência e competência daqueles que estão habilitados.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. I definitely agree with your opinion, Juvenal.
      We should always prefer the experience and competence of qualified people.

  21. Estimada amiga, vuelvo a pasar para comunicarte que acabo de publicar como te prometí, una entrada sobre el cementerio Judío de Sevilla, y que he tenido el gusto y el placer de dedicártelo a ti, y he puesto también, un enlace a tu blog para que te conozcan mis seguidores.
    Si en algún momento deseas responder a algún comentario de los que vayan entrado, lo puedes hacer libremente, ya que en mi blog no hay censura de ningún tipo.
    Un fuerte abrazo, y espero que te guste.

    1. Thanks a lot Manuel. We've got a bad day with missile alarms, so I haven't done any blogging. I'm going to read ,of course, your post on the jewish cemetery, and I'l respond to any comment that is adressed to my blog.

  22. Happy Halloween. Stay warm and healthy.

    1. Thanks RTC. I'm not celebrating Halloween, but thank you any way. I wish you too warmth and good health.

  23. Hola Duta! vengo del blog de Manuel "Fotos y postales antiguas de Sevilla" Si no te importa me quedo por aquí.
    Muy temerario este señor, por mucho que haya aprendido de su esposa.

    Un abrazo.

    1. Welcome to my blog Conchi. Any friend of Manuel is a friend of mine.

  24. Surely he's not doing the sight tests, perhaps just day to day retail. He seemed very open about it.

    1. Hi, Jo. I liked his openness and honesty, so I wish to believe he's doing only the retail part.

  25. Yes, probably just being there and doing retail and getting her in for other aspects.

    1. I wish and hope, that's the case - doing retail only.

  26. Well, this optical shop seems to have its own unique vision of how things should be done! Who needs formal training when you can simply "see" your way through life and work? 😄👓🔍

    1. Reading the comments, I feel I should investigate the matter, 'spy' on the shop if neccessary. Bu we are in the middle of war, me living in another town - so I have to give up the plan for the time being.

  27. I depend greatly on my glasses (I have poor uncorrected vision - without glasses I would be considered legally blind where I live) and I don't know what I would think if I discovered I was going to an unlicensed provider. I am hoping that anything requiring trained skill is being taken care of by his wife. I can be a little sympathetic if there are extenuating circumstances-for instance lack of childcare for the grandchildren - and is it possible clients know the situation and don't report it? I wonder.

    1. I know what you mean. I wear glasses too. I must admit I'm not familiar with details of his private life. I know only what he has told me. That was quite a lot, but still not clear enough.

  28. "There are none so blind as those who will not see..."

    Take good care, DUTA....I hope all is well with you and remains so. You are in my thoughts.

    1. That's a wise quote, Lee. The overall situation here is not good, but I put my trust in God.
      Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.

  29. Hola, Duta, vengo del blog de Manuel a visitarte.
    Me ha gustado mucho lo que he visto.
    Con tu permiso me quedo.Saludos

  30. Welcome Maripaz to my little blog! Thanks for your kind words and for the 'follow'.
    Wishing you the very Best!
