Friday, May 17, 2024

Yes, to Pockets

I've always liked pockets on my clothing, but I got constantly discouraged by people telling me pockets were for men's garments mainly.

 I feel angry at  clothing  designers, as for decades,  pockets have practically been excluded  from women's fashion.
The famous Christian Dior  made the following claim (according to the Media):  " Men have pockets to keep things in, women for decoration".  His words placed functionality versus decoration.

Pockets are in fact practical receptacles for holding small things such as:   keys, wallet, lipstick, tiny tools, and even a mobile phone. At the same time they could also well be made to look as adding decor and fun to the outfit.  No big contradiction here between practical and decorative.

Anyway,  pockets -  usually made of fabric or leather -  come in different sizes and shapes. They are either sewn into the garment or  on it. 
I like them on most  of my clothes; pants, shirts, jackets, skirts, coats, dresses.   At present,  I'm creating and attaching pockets to some of my pocketless clothes.

I'm glad to mention that I possess a pair or two of Cargo pants (with big utility pockets), and a multi-pocket vest.  Both items have been of great use to me,  especially at travel time. 
However,  I'm not for overloading regular clothes with pockets as it might feel uncomfortable and even damage the fabric.

Warning: please empty pockets before doing the laundry!
multi-pocket vest (AI generated photo)

cargo pants (AI generated photo)

I'll leave you with a short  and quite true  'pocket' quote:
"Deep pockets and empty hearts rule the world."  


  1. As far as I am concerned pockets are a feminist isssue. I WANT them - and of a useful size. And don't get me started on labels that put pockets on women's clothing that are decorative and non functional.

    1. I totally agree with you, Sue. I utterly dislike the division between men and women, functional and decorative, as regards pockets attachment to clothes.

  2. Duta, I prefer clothes that have pockets. I find them ideal for not carrying bags, especially when we go to the market to do our daily shopping.

    1. I believe you. Pockets are a safe means for storing and transporting small items, successfully replacing bags.

  3. I love to have pockets on my jeans, Duta. I don't know what I'd do without them, honestly, although I suppose that's where a good, sturdy purse comes into play.

    1. Well, the purse has, of course, its right place, and yet we cannot and will not give up pockets. Blessings to you too, Martha!

  4. Women have as many things to carry as men eg comb, pen, tissues, keys, cash, credit cards, mobile phone etc. That is why handbags were invented. The problem is security.. women's handbags are easier to steal than the contents of men's flat internal pockets

    1. Definitely.
      Handbags are bigger and more conspicuous than pockets, and thus present a security problem.

  5. AI makes photos of cargo pants? How did you do that? Did you ask AI to make it? Yes, I am typing this from back in the 1800's. How did the world change so fast?

    P.S. I'd rather have pockets than bags.

    1. AI can make any photo you ask for, Sandi, based on your words. Just enter 'Image creator from Microsoft Designer - Bing' , and follow instructions .( I'm not so good at it but hopefully improving).

  6. Awesome! Yes, I like plenty of pockets on my apron. I made one especially, for my phone! Makes me think of a boy I went out with who had his mother design jackets with pockets with all his stuff. Now, if I had only gotten her to make one for me! Pockets are even important for those phones at work. Just this week, we had a visit from a cop about Active Killer and what to do. Having your phone in your pocket is a good idea..but have it on Silence. I do love pockets in my dresses, as well. Such a fun topic!

    1. Pockets on the apron is ideal!
      That Mother of your past boyfriend knew exactly what was good for him.
      Yes, pockets could be fun, compared to the other topics in our life.

  7. I love pockets and have improved clothes with shallow pockets into items you can wear and use the pockets too. Recently I made a summer skirt with sides you can slip your hand into to access the separate pocket, Lucy Locket style.

    1. Well, you are talented Boud, and can do lots of things inclusive pockets. I do what I can, and hope to succeed in my present project of putting some simple pockets on clothes that have none.

  8. I agree with the quote.
    And an absolutely yes to pockets!!! And to cargo pants.
    I choose long cardigans with pockets, tunics with pockets and even beach dresses with pockets.
    I still have an extra mask in every single pockets... just in case.


    1. Good one, isn't it? deep pockets here meaning people with big money.
      Kudos to you, Catarina, both for the pockets and for he masks!

  9. When I bought a mother of the groom dress for Oldest Son's wedding I was thrilled to discover it had deep pockets on each side seam.

    1. I'm glad to hear that, Kathy, as we're usually warned that pockets will ruin any elegant dress. I'm sure you looked smashing in it.

  10. Pockets are so useful, but I do agree with you always check pockets before washing any garments!

    All the best Jan

    1. Sometimes we forget to do that, and the items in the pocket might damage both the washing machine and the garment.
      All the best to you too, Jan!

  11. I rather like pockets in my clothes, handy. Yes, always remember to remove paper from them before washing.

    1. Good for you! I've had some 'unpleasantries' in the past,; since then, I force myself to remember emptying the pockets before doing laundry.

  12. I like pockets too and I agree women deserve them as well.
    The quote is sad but true.

    1. Like with many other words, there are quite a few quotes using the word 'pocket'. This one caught my eye as it is short, clear, and, sadly true. The world is ruled badly by unfit people.

  13. Women’s pockets are for decoration according to Dior. He has never needed to juggle home, work and children. A pocket is a necessity!

    1. Exactly. Well put Marie; pockets are a neccessity.
      Dior, as a man, and in his high position, didn't have to struggle with the daily neccessities of life , like ordinary people do.

  14. I am totally with you - I want pockets. I think the pants with pockets are a little bit more expensive too. Never thought it was a man thing - interesting!

    1. For decades, pockets were a symbol of inequality in fashion (for women , small or inexistent) and problematic use of gender (sexism at its worst).

  15. Boa tarde. Obrigado pela felicitação do meu aniversário. Aproveito para desejar um bom final de semana.

    1. You're welcome. Wishing you the very Best in life, and a blessed week- end, of course!

  16. Los bolsillos en las prendas de vestir femeninas son muy prácticos como bien dices.
    A mi también me gustan mucho.

    1. What is not to like about them? Pockets are helpful, little things for all of us.

  17. I like pockets...they are practical. Sometimes I don't know where to put my hands if I wear pants without pockets..LOL

    1. I forgot to mention 'hands' in my post. (thanks for the reminder, Angie). Especially in the cold winter, we keep our hands in our pockets, to get them warm and cozy.

  18. I love pockets, especially when my hands are full!

  19. I simply love my pockets. A must have in my opinion. Janice

    1. That's it - a Must Have. This is my opinion too.

  20. I'm a pocket person, too. Even a small flat one, big enough for ID, a credit card and a key!

    1. Apparently, we are all 'pocket 'persons', Jeanie. " even a small, flat one.." does the job.

  21. I'm a pocket person, too, but I prefer pockets in pants to pockets in shirts. I like two front pockets, one for my phone and one for other small items, including tissues and keys.

    1. Your preference, Alana, for two front pockets is quite logical: one for the phone, the other for tiny neccessary items.

  22. Yep, me too. I like my pants to have pockets.

    1. Yes, Mary. When it comes to pockets, pants have priority over other garments.

  23. Yes to pockets in women's clothing. They are so very useful and free one's hands.
    The quote is sad, but a reality in our world driven by greed and power.

    1. Wel said, Lorrie! We live in a world driven by greed and power.

  24. Replies
    1. Judging by the comments to this post, everyone is a pocket person. Such an unanimity on a topic is quite unusual!

  25. Hello Duta! I'm with you, my friend! I love pockets...and sometimes whether a garment has or does not have pockets is a determining factor as to whether or not I purchase said item. :) xx

    1. Good approach , Dianna! I wasn't like that, and I regret buying clothes without pockets.

  26. Yes to pockets, Duta, I agree that they are handy for carrying all sorts of things when out. I prefer not to carry a purse when going for a short walk or to the library and instead putting keys and phone in jeans pockets.

    1. Your approach to pockets is completely logical and understandable. Pockets are a great asset for us!

  27. I love "cargobroeken" and you picture is so great!
