Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Flying Deadly Toys


Israel has been accused by Iran of killing one of its  prominent  generals within the iranian embassy  on Syrian soil.  Whether true  or false, revenge was expected  on the day/days following Friday, the end of the Ramadan Fast (major muslim religious event).

On Saturday, the 14th of April,  at 23 o'clock in the evening , we've been told:  "that's it, Iran's flying 'toys' ( hundreds of drones, ballistic rockets, cruise missiles ) are on their way to us, carrying many tons of explosives" .

As an ordinary person, I was quite impressed by the mere  detection of these  objects from such a distance (over 1000 km)! However, Fear and Panic were my dominant feelings. I live alone, on the third floor , it's middle of the night. I won't even try to reach the shelter behind the building. I 'll say my prayer to God, and...que sera, sera.

After a while, we've been told it's gonna take several hours to nine hours for the objects to get to Israel (except of the ballistic rockets which reach their target in minutes)  -  as the route is long and their move is slow.

I managed somehow to fall asleep. When I  woke up in the morning, I faced the unbelievable. Our defense system Hetz3 (Arrow3)  has had 99% success in downing the deadly objects far outside the country.  The little videos displaying the knocking down were fascinating (Yes, sometimes the dreadful can fascinate)!

The major target of the attack appeared to be a southern air force basis, "Nevatim",  home to the prestigious F-35 jet fighter.  As I understood later, only superficial harm was done to the military basis. A seriously wounded 9-year old girl from a near by bedouin village, was the main and only known  casualty of the iranians' massive attack . May she survive and get well!     

The nice  and rather secretive part was a coalition of countries under the leadership of the USA - that helped us too: USA, UK, France, Jordan, South Arabia. Everyone of them was part of the  successful   anti-iranian 'show'.

Anyway, war is terrible, it causes loss of life;  it also  costs enormous amounts of money - money which could definitely better humans'  living conditions,   and not bring about destruction and death.  Peace is greatly needed in the world, and particularly in this cursed region of the Middle East.


  1. Sending prayers -Christine

    1. Thanks, Christine for your sincere prayers.

  2. 99% success rate is miraculous I believe. I am praying for the peace of Israel. Many conservative Christians here in the USA support you. I say many but I think it may be all. God bless you and keep you, Duta.

    1. Thanks, Sandi for your kind words. Yes, 99% is indeed miraculous.
      My parents (RIP) were Holocaust survivors. I would have never thought, that at my age, I'll be in an almost similar situation.

  3. I loved your last paragraph so much! Oh, you must be exhausted. Such an awful situation.
    Back when drones weren't that big of a deal other than something someone got for a gift, my brother got in trouble because he knocked one down from his balcony of his apartment because it was just annoying having it hang out there at his apartment.
    The last week or so here in Nebraska we have had annoying tornadoes. They start out small when it first touches the ground and then more tornadoes multiply and can take up a mile of destruction. Some homes were damaged. At least we have gotten some rain in spite of the winds.
    Many thoughts and prayers. I hope the success rate keeps going.

  4. Yes, I am rather exhausted of so many bad things happening in my region.
    Sorry to hear about the tornadoes. I'm afraid climate change is constantly going to surprise us.

  5. I was a bit scared too when I heard of missiles being sent from Iran, and then what a relief. Thank God it didn't get serious. All I can say is that Israel's Iron-dome is incredible.

    1. Israel has several successful defense systems:
      Iron Dome - intercepts short range rockets.
      David's Sling - intercepts medium range rockets.
      Arrow 2 - for medium range missiles.
      Arrow 3 - for long range missiles.

      USA helps with the funding and is a partner.

  6. My heart goes out to everyone caught in the turmoil of war. How I long for peace.

    1. Peace seems attainable, and yet, as long as arms and arm selling is key to prosperity and power in certain countries, it slips away from us.

  7. I so wish for peace in your region. I confess, I thought about you when that hit our news here. It would be so frightening. I'm glad you are safe.

    1. I believe you, Jeanie. Thanks for being concerned about my safety. I wish to no one to experience the scare of living under threats of rockets and missiles.

  8. Praying for Israel and for the anti-Semitic beliefs that extremist groups are spreading on our college campuses in the U. S. This would never have happened under President Trump, and that's a fact!
    Blessings, Duta, and stay safe!

    1. Thanks Martha for your prayers, good wishes, and blessings for me and my country.

  9. I feared the worst for you when I heard this happened. I prayed you were alright. So glad you are safe. Our country here now has gone anti Israel with these college students. It is so sad that our government is allowing this to happen as your country was one of our biggest allies when 9/11 happened here in our country with the terrorists. I am ashamed of our upcoming generation. They have no idea what they are protesting when saying they are Hamas. So sad. Janice

    1. Unfortunately, we live in a very sad, and dangerous reality.
      Hopefully, things will get better, people will come to their senses and realize Hamas is everybody's enemy, not only Israel's enemy.
      Thanks Janice for praying for my safety.

  10. War is just cruel and's frightening for normal folks, esp. the kids...just horrible.

    1. I totally agree, Angie, with your thoughts on war. To my mind, war should be prevented at all costs.

  11. Must be a terrifying thing living and wondering if something is going to happen to you and your area.
    So glad you are ok. I pray for peace, indeed I do Duta.
    Take care, be safe.

    1. Terrifying indeed, Margaret. We, humans,
      must make some more efforts to prevent war and achieve lasting peace - not only wait for God's miracles.
      Thank you for your good wishes.

  12. When I heard of that attack on Israel recently I thought of you. I am so glad to hear you are ok. I can only imagine how scary it was.

    1. It's heartwarming that blogger friends like you and others, thought of me, the moment they heard of the iranian attack.
      Yes, Marie dear, it was very scary.

  13. My husband came out of the office and told me what Iran was planning. He was afraid it would go completely wrong. I immediately thought of you and someone else, whom I know by her name. And I prayed that it would turn out all right. I feel so sorry for you and for everyone else. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Love from here. 🙏💕

    1. The fact that we were not completely alone in this (there was USA and its allies in the background), helped to keep up the confidence of those in charge of intercepting and dealing with the flying super dangerous objects.
      Love to you too, Aritha.

  14. Que experiencia tan aterradora.
    Lo siento mucho.
    Cada día es más necesaria la paz.

    1. "Terrifying" is the right word. Peace is the solution, but it's not in my hands.
      Thanks Maripaz, for your kind comment.

  15. I just want you to know that I am praying for Israel daily. I just can't believe that is happening - yet I know it is.
    I am glad they prevented 99% of the missiles.
    It has to be awful there and I sure wish there was more I could do.
    I thought about you right away.
    I care so much.

    1. Oh, Sandie dear. You're a very caring person! Thank you for that. May your prayers always be answered!

  16. Definitely. We should find a way to stop all that, otherwise the whole world is going to turn into one big battlefield.

  17. 'Peace is greatly needed in the world'
    Thinking of you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you , Jan, for thinking of me.
      All the Best to you too!

  18. Well said and I am glad you are okay!

    1. I'm, of course, glad myself that things went well, and I survived, and am ok. May God help us further, stopping the war and bringing peace.

  19. I am so sorry you had to go through that terrifying situation. And I completely agree, war is terrible and expensive. It would be so much better putting that money toward humanitarian needs. It seems like nothing every changes.
    Glad you are safe.

    1. Thanks Sandra for your kind and supportive comment.
      Wishing you a wonderful, new week!

  20. I thought of you so many times. I can not imagine what you were feeling.
    God bless you always.

    1. I'm deeply grateful to you, dear Catarina for your thoughts about me, and for your blessings.
      May God less you too!

  21. Duta, I have thought of you so many times throughout all of these attacks. I'm so thankful to hear from you personally how things are going. It has to be so scary at times. You continue to be in my prayers.

    1. Heartfelt thanks for your prayers, dear Dianna. Yes, things are scary at times, but God is good and takes care of his believers.

  22. Replies
    1. Good girl! That's the very right prayer nowadays. Peace in the world is the magic we're all wishing for.

  23. Las guerras es lo peor que existe en el mundo, si todo el gasto que generan lo dedicaran al solucionar los problemas que viven las personas, sería la paz total.

    Un abrazo.

    1. I couldn't agree more with you, Conchi. dear.

  24. Las guerras son todas terribles. También pasaría mucho miedo. Los humanos siempre destruyendo.
    Buena semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Indeed, Laura, we humans ,through our evil, stupid actions, bring about those terrible wars, instead of preventing them.
      A good week to you, too!

  25. Sending prayers to you, yours, and everyone impacted by war. War IS a terrible thing, and it seems we have an inability to learn from the past. We want what we want, and we want it now, and until that changes, there really is no hope. Be safe.

    1. Bica dear, thank you for the prayers and good wishes. Yo're right,of course. We never learn from the past, and that makes things hopeless.

  26. We who only read about these attacks cannot understand or grasp the seriousness of actually being there. I am glad to know you are safe, Duta, and praying for peace worldwide is the goal. Achieving it may take a while.

    1. Right. Reading about things and experiencing things are different matters.
      All we ordinary people can do is pray to God, and hope for peace and prevention of wars.

  27. That must be terrible when there is an alarm. I still remember when I was a little child the alarms and my mother got hysteric, I didn't know why, because the war was over. I agree to 100 % to your last paragraph ! Anyway what we hear in the News is never really the truth, I realized that thanks to my language knowledge I listen to the Belgian (french), German, and BBC news and they are not always the same.

    1. Thanks for your comment.
      Alarms do cause kids and mothers to get hysterical at any time.
      If one can't read between the lines, and listen to various news sources like you do, then one usually doesn't know the real truth.

  28. That was amazing how they stopped all of those rockets and weapons. I do pray for peace. I'm glad you are OK.

    1. It was indeed amazing! Thanks Ann for being glad I'm OK. It means a lot to me.

  29. I imagine you have become accustomed to living in a constant state of awareness and readiness for danger, but that wouldn't make it any the less scary. Im glad you are safe, Duta. It's interesting to read your news but especially so during the conflict in your part of the World. Betty

    1. Thanks Betty for your kind words. There's both awareness of danger and scare of it.
      So far, I'm ok. , but things in the area are very volatile. May God help us!
