Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 It seems the camera likes Antony Blinken (America's  Secretary of State). I think he knows that, and cooperates with it.  His profile looks good in most of the pictures I've seen so far.

Blinken is jewish, and his wife christian. They met at the White House where they were both working  for the Obama and Clinton administrations.  

At their wedding, the religious service was performed by a rabbi and a priest. (I wonder how that goes...never been to an interfaith  wedding ceremony).

According to his biography he is fluent in French (he lived in France for a period of time, with his Mother and her husband , and went to school there).  He also plays the guitar and sings. 

Not everybody's happy with his guitar playing ('it sucks' , wrote someone). I believe,  that with the kind of job he does, the guitar saves him. ( Currently, he's got Israel and Ukraine on his head, two very tough  'clients' !) .  

Lately, he was seen in a bar in Kyiv,  dressed in jeans and holding a red guitar, performing  onstage together with a local rock band in celebration of some more military help given  by the USA  to Ukraine. 

He combines diplomacy with music, and it probably works for him; the two domains somehow complement each other. (Bill Clinton as I recall, was playing saxophone).

A. Blinken  (web picture)
youtube - Blinken rocks in Kyiv


  1. Hola Duta, desconocía esta faceta de Blinken.
    Un abrazo.

  2. I never knew that about him. Interesting!

    1. In Sept. 2023, during the launch of The Global Music Diplomacy initiative at the State Dpartment, Blinken revealed his rather 'hidden' musical skills. He then performed a song " Hoochie, Coochie Man", whyich became viral.

  3. Oh, you have found some interesting facts about him. Maybe after all this he will be the next president of the USA. It's mind blowing how to get to the political front in our country.

    1. I enjoy music, but when it comes to politics, I detest all politicians regardless of Party. I believe they are the source of all evil (like money). I'm, however, not against a politician entertaining people with his artistic skills.

  4. Don't know about him at's for sure interesting!

    1. Well, now you know, Angie. Yes, apparently, he's an interesting man with an interesting life.

  5. I can only imagine how important guitar is to such a man!

    1. His guitar playing puts him into a completely different world where there are no conflicts , no hostilities - only peaceful, enchanting moments.

  6. Replies
    1. Right. I always find it interesting, when a person in a certain position who's constantly'n the news, reveals another side of himself, a nicer and softer one.

  7. I did not know about Blinkin playing the guitar. That takes a bit of guts to perform. I would not want his job. I wish Israel and Ukraine to have peace soon.

    1. Indeed, it takes "a bit of guts to perform". He's not the first performer at the White House. Clinton played the saxophone, Reagan was an accomplished actor.
      Thanks Ann for your peace wishes.

  8. Marrying someone of a different faith may occasionally be difficult, but at least they strongly share political values.

    1. Correct. In their case, love and common political values were strong enough to overcome difference in faith.

  9. Ages ago, I was a bridesmaid in a wedding: the groom was Jewish and his wife, my friend, was a Catholic. Forty-five plus years later, they are still happily married!
    Blessings, Duta!

    1. Glad to hear that, Martha ! That's a heartwarming story!

  10. I expect you are right and his music gives him solace. I hope so, he is not in an easy job - and not only that the demands of the job (intersecting with his faith?) are even heavier than usual at the moment.

    1. I like the word 'solace' - it's a nice word.
      I don't think his faith has any role here, but it's a heavy job, especially at present with the two wars going on : Ukraine, and in our region ( Gaza etc...).

  11. I probably should have known that the current Secretary of State is a man of many talents, but somehow the information slipped by me. Thanks for pointing it out.

    1. You're welcome , Kathy! That's never too late to learn new info.

  12. Music is a great outlet for many people and surely his job is so difficult that even if he is not a great singer that's OK

    1. Definitely. Music as an oulet, sounds great!

  13. Music is such a stress reliever whether you only listen or also play. Several of our Presidents played musical instruments; our President in the late 60's and early 70's, Richard Nixon, played several instruments and also composed music. It's too bad the You Tube video only had Blinken's speech and didn't play the music that followed it.

    1. Alana, I knew absolutely nothing about Nixon's musical skills.
      As for the video clip, it's a bad one, but for some reason I couldn't embed one of the more successful ones. I might try again.

  14. Very interesting - I enjoyed reading this. Thanks.

    1. I'm glad Sandie, you've enjoyed readng this. It's indeed, an interesting read regarding an important figure in american politics.

  15. G'day, DUTA....I'm only now catching up with blogs. I' m running behind, and have a lot of catch-up reading to do!

    It's a shame the whole world can't intermingle peacefully, without hate and prejudice. What a wonderful world it would be!

    As far as de-cluttering is concerned, bit by bit, piece by piece, I'm trying to achieve same! :)

    The slacks I'm presently wear have pockets...both are presently empty!

    Take good care. :)

    1. Hi Lee,
      I'm glad you're trying to catch up, deal with decluttering, and make use of pockets. All good things.

  16. I like Blinken. I saw the guitar clip too. I thought he was pretty good -- probably not going to win a gold record but not embarrassing! I didn't know about his background though -- that's interesting. My cousin's son had an interfaith wedding -- rabbi and priest. It was pretty much like any other wedding, but they did sign the katubah during the ceremony. Both officiants spoke and worked together. It was quite lovely.

    1. So ,you know what a ketubah is (a jewish marriage contract). No reason why an interfaith marriage should not be successful.

  17. Was aware of who he is but that's about it.
    We were married by two peoples, one a priest, the other a Catholic priest, no problems. Was lovely actually. It's good to know that some religions get one well.

    1. Well, sometimes religions work for the best.

  18. I am not American, but I like what I see of Blinken. I think he would make a far better president than either of the candidates currently running for the job.

  19. I don't know this gentleman, but I know "mixed" marriages ! When we married in 1969, my husband was catholic and I protestant. It was the first year that the catholic church allowed "mixed" marriages, I could ask for a pastor, but the priest was enough I don't like the catholic church, and my husband didn't care. So we married catholic because Belgium is a catholic country.

    1. Mixed marriage is not as bad as it may sound.

  20. It is true that many need an outlet or hobby.

    1. It helps with the difficulties of life: family, job, and other activities.

  21. I enjoyed this post so much, Duta. So many times we in America view our politicians as "stuffed shirts" rather than ordinary people. Thank you for bringing out the humanness of Blinken! xx

    1. I'm very glad you've enjoyed this post, Dianna. Yes, Blinken does look humane.

  22. I did know he played the guitar and did see this already. Though I did not know h spoke French. Janice

    1. You're certainly not in the dark about him, Janice.

  23. People have interesting sides to them and diverse ways of coping with stress. Thankfully Mr. Blinken uses music which is very positive.

    1. What would we ever do without music? Even if we don't play an instrument ; just listening to music does us a lot of good.

  24. I didn't know this about Mr Blinken, but I can understand that in his stressful job - especially in the current loaded times - music serves as a great stress reliever. Many years ago when I was in a very stressful job I also sang in a choir and the rehearsals were the best stress relief I could get.

    1. Oh , Carola - singing in a choir, that's for sure the best stress reliever.

  25. I think many people use music, craft or art in a way to relax, especially when they have such a stressful job.

    1. We all need sometimes a stress reliever. Music and art are there for us.

  26. I really like people who are able to nurture two different skills together

    1. Me too, Pooja. Luckily, there are lots of people with two or more different skills.

  27. I learn so many new things through your blog, Duta. How do you come up with the idea to write about him, and the mix with guitar is so fun.

    I also have a guitar but can only play a few chords. My daughters can really play all kinds of things on the guitar, from Bach to Rock.

    Which musical instrument do you find the most beautiful now, and which one did you like the most when you were a child?

    "Groetjes" from here. I'm thinking of you now and praying for you. Just so you know.

    1. In my childhood and early teens, I used to play the violin. Not an easy to play instrument., not like the piano and accordion where you just click the keys.
      Thanks Aritha dear for praying for me. God bless you!

  28. Pienso que si todos los políticos del planeta Tierra practicaran este idioma universal que es la música, y que dota a las personas de una sensibilidad especial, el mundo iría mejor.
    En cuanto a la boda, me parece estupendo ya que el amor sincero, nunca debe estar ligado a la política ni a otras creencias.
    Un fuerte abrazo, amiga.

    1. I totally agree with you, Manuel, on both subjects: music and love as the basics for a better world.

  29. I remember Bill Clinton going on a couple of talk shows before he was president and playing the saxophone.

    1. Clinton with his saxophone, opened the venue, as they say, to the others (Blinken).
