Friday, August 4, 2023

Not Curable But Treatable


The above statement refers to many health problems.  Available treatments, which could potentially  help manage a problem without curing it,  include besides medications, a variety of external  aids, and  replacements (full or partial) of organs and tissues. 

The existing  external aids on the market are visual aids (eyeglasses , contact lenses), hearing devices for hearing loss, mobility aids (walkers, wheelchairs, canes, crutchers, rollators, scooters).  The replacement procedures widely practiced are cataract surgery (replacing the eye lens with an artificial lens), and knee surgery.

It's a pity that little or no research is done on what's called medicinal plants and other Nature's  elements,  to find more cures to illnesses. In every culture and period, the healing properties of plants were identified, noted , conveyed  to next generations and passed on  to other societies and cultures for the benefit of all.

However, for the healing property of a plant to be recognized as cure, it has to be research- based. (Cure eliminates sickness whereas Healing repairs, mends the body).

Well, I suppose research is  not profitable enough for the big pharmaceutical companies, as a lot of effort (trials, failures), time and money, qualified professionals , and more, is involved in conducting  a research.  How frustrating!


  1. Dearest Duta,
    A lot has been discovered that benefits human life and a lot remains to be done...
    Life on earth will never be perfect and we have to remain realistic that we cannot live forever.

    1. Yes, Mariette, I suppose we do have to be realistic , and be pleased with whatever has been and is being discovered for the benefit of mankind.

  2. Too many problems are treatable not curable.

    1. I also tend to think that too many issues are treatable not curable.

  3. Before you said big pharma, that was what I was thinking. Yes our elders before us who lived off the land knew all about plants and their healing powers. Big pharma wants us addicted to their meds so they can continue with their profits. It is a shame. Janice

    1. I'm afraid you are right, Janice. Pharma wants us to be addicted to their synthetic meds. Doctors are also, though indirectly, in it.

  4. As a person who has one of those not curable but mostly manageable conditions (and I expect to be diagnosed with another in the coming weeks) I really, really wish that we did focus on nature's cures. Just being out in nature helps me immensely.

    1. You are so right, EC! Just being out in Nature, helps us. That's what I feel too.

  5. So many diseases can only be managed in our lives, so people still have the disability with aides or such. Research is as you not profitable at all for the companies making money - it's all about money really. What a shame Duta.

    1. Sadly, it's all about profit. To come up with a cure it's a very long process, and that costs money, which can be earned more easily by those companies.

  6. Even when treatable there are those pesky side-effects that might lead to something else treatable. Now days it doesn't take much to happen before they decide you need a hip replacement too. Science is getting unpredictable as of late, but then there is always trial by error to remember how we got here. Great post! A lot to think on.

    1. Thanks Ellie.
      I'm for minimalistic approach in writing, but I have a lot to say and write on this matter. We people should be more cautious, ask questions , and not accept suggestions easily, just because they come from a doctor. Doctors are silent complices of the pharma companies.

  7. I think we'd all prefer curable -- but I've been living with manageable for many years and I'll take it. There are both lifestyle things that help and assistances and medications. You're right about the holistic options -- they are often ignored though I find them mentioned more now than ever before.

    1. We all take what we can to improve our functioning. However, there are things that should be changed to make doctors and pharmacies work for us, research our problems , and not just find an easy way out of it .

  8. Unless they deem it profitable, pharma companies won't invest in research. Such a shame, Duta!

  9. True. It's a known fact. I believe we should do something about it, and not stay passive . For a start we have to make doctors work. They just ask questions and base the treatment on our answers. Too easy.

  10. I think the doctors of today just write a prescription that deals with your symptoms. Some work and some don't. Doctors to me are just people that have an opinion based on what they know and it isn't always correct plus they don't like to be challenged on their opinions or solutions. People need to speak up.

    1. I totally agree with your last sentence, Bill. We should speak up. Several years ago, I went for an osteoporosis test. The doctor started to ask questions, and I said to him, please perform the test first. He was astounded.

  11. Thanks for a thought provoking post, Duta. I'm grateful for the progress of medical science.
    I think many plant based traditional remedies have now been adapted and are used in modern medicine to fight our biggest killers
    such as heart disease and cancer.
    Maybe I'm gullible but I'm pretty sure the big pharmaceutical companies will continue to test any substance that will lead to their future profits, including plants.

    1. Indeed, Pauline, many plant-based remedies have been and are adapted over the years, by us, the people - but without research backing which offers the peace of mind that assures us we are on the right track.
      Major diseases like heart and cancer are treated by synthetic drugs approved by the FDA.

  12. HI Duta,
    Interesting. Thank you. Speaking of cures, and healing, often sickness comes from deep root causes and sins of bitterness, holding on to unforgiveness, fear, etc.

    This week`s Torah portion even speaks about how IF we observe the statutes and ways of God , then He will bless, cure us of diseases and grant us long lives!!

    Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.
    Psalm 103

    may your days be long and healthy in the Good land where He has brought you to!!! Much love!!

  13. Dearest Shayndel. I believe in God and pray to God. However, I try to see in the medical people God's messengers on earth that could help. It seems , however, we have to wait to God's help after all.

  14. It is a shame that more research isn't done on the medicinal plants. But you you know that if big pharma got a hold of any kind of plants that they could make a big buck on they would patent it and then nobody would be able to grow it anywhere.

    1. I haven't thought about that. You could be right, and yet it seems too far-fetched. They cold patent their work, but not Nature's work.

  15. Indeed. We, the public, should ask the questions...after they've done their work of running the test.

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ashok. This is a 'rather' heavy subject, but I feel a lot of it depends upon us, the people. We should demand a radical change in attitude both of doctors and of pharma companies.

  17. Totalmente de acuerdo con tu reflexión. Recientemente leí un artículo donde se decía que en España, había subido un 23 % la venta de plantas medicinales en los últimos cinco años, pero también se decía en el mismo, que había que tener cuidado cuando interacciona con medicinas farmacéutica porque a veces puede haber problemas severos.
    Un cordial saludo.

    1. We are always warned of interactions with drugs, and that's ok. Medicinal plants that have been experienced by many generations along history, are definitely helpful.

  18. Isn't cannabis being used in your country now at some clinics for healing? I thought I saw that on a news program. Apologies if I've got that wrong. I wish we were doing more along that line here. It seems so much better than opioids.

    1. Yes, Sandra, cannabis is being used, but on a small scale - for a certain segment of the population with specific issues.

    2. Hope they expand that in your country and mine. Have a great one.

    3. I favor any natural stuff that helps people with their health issues. Thank you.

  19. I sincerely belief that nature has plants for every human ailment, we just need to find them before they are lost forever due to 'progress'.

    I didn't realise you had your own blog, sorry for not exploring sooner ... you knew I would come over and Follow didn't you. :-)

  20. That's exactly my belief too - ' nature has plants for every human ailment, we just need to find them..."
    Thanks for the blog following.

  21. Of course going to the moon which is useless, is better than investing in researches to heal all kind of diseases.

    1. Good point, Gattina! I'm not saying to All diseases, but to more than are now available.

  22. my father is struggling with knee ache. He was attending for rehabilitation but this did not work;/


    1. Sorry about that, Kathy. Probably a matter of cartilage erosion. They say glucosamine medication helps.

  23. I remember my pharmacognosy subject in college. I wish the government puts more resources in medical research.

    1. Hi Lux. You wish well, but reality is dissappointing with little or no resources put in plants' medical research. The word 'pharmacognosy' is new in my vocabulary due to your comment. Thanks.

  24. As with most aspects of life these days, it's all about the money. Money won't be invested unless it can be recouped many times over. I think our forebearers were more in touch with the world around them than we are.

    1. How true, and how sad! Money rules the world, and not the other way round.

  25. Our American pharmaceutical companies think profit first. The thought of helping people seems way down the list and I can say ditto for our health insurance companies, who don't allow health professionals time to really talk to their patients and figure out what might help. I can agree that nature provides many medicinal plants but we can't even trust those providers anymore - there have been too many documented scams. Meantime, medicinal plants are lost to climate change and knowledge not being passed down from previous generations of healers.

    1. Sad, very sad. We're left alone to figure out who and what could help us with our health issues.
