Saturday, August 19, 2023

Vive La Difference !

I've been blogging since 2008! (started with the mere purpose of preserving my knowledge of  English as a second language). 

Blogging has opened up a whole new world for me, rich in people of different nationalities, and topics of a great variety.

Reading other people's blogs , makes me  highly aware of differences in background, lifestyle, viewpoints. That's both interesting and helpful.  Through blogs, one can learn a lot about oneself and others; make comparisons, consider options and suggestions, draw conclusions. 

I like writing. As with reading, there's a great deal of blessed escapism in it, but there's more than that - there's struggling with your own words and ideas, and that struggling, can do a lot of good to your cognitive ability.

I greatly appreciate  people with talent and skills in one or more fields of life: arts, crafts, culinaria (cookery), gardening etc.. I  enjoy viewing, in their personal blogposts,   the display of this talent, in different formats.    I myself have got no specific talent or skill.  I'm just the average kind of person.  (However,  if I need or want something badly, I'l find a way to learn how to do it, talent or no talent). 

Anyway, it seems to me there are generally more similarities than differences. Most people love Nature, Travel, good Food, their Family and Pets.  They might show their love in different ways, but in the end , love is love anyway one shows it.

Good blogging, to my mind, usually involves reciprocity (of 'follow' and 'comment'), respect given to other people's beliefs, acceptance of different opinions to be published on your blog.

Hopefully,  Climate Change with its terrible wild fires, or/and Social-  Political unrest within and among nations, will not prevent us to go on with our blogging  as long as we can and wish to do so.


  1. I am so very grateful to have found the blogosphere. I have laughed with fellow bloggers and wept with and for them too.
    And I learn from them - each and every day.

    1. Me too, EC.
      Your words are my words, exactly.

  2. Spouse and I used to socialise with people we met at university, or parents of children in our sons' school. But they were all of the same age, same talents, same city and largely the same politics.

    Blogging (only since 2008) has introduced people in new cities and new countries, with new reading and travel interests. Mostly it has been eye opening :)

  3. "...eye opening" - I certainly go for that statement, Hels. We are in the Globalization era.
    Learning about other countries and other people, makes one a resident of the world, and that's no minor thing.

  4. Comparto al ciento por ciento tu sincera y acertada reflexión, sobre este mundillo, y como ser un buen bloguero, y ojalá que nos sigamos leyendo todos, muchísimos mas años.
    Un fuerte abrazo, amiga Duta.

    1. Thanks, Manuel. I join you in your wish that we may continue with our blogging for many years to come.

  5. You write and express yourself very well. I am glad that I have found your blog.

  6. Growing up, I always loved having a penpal. And the blogger came along and well, of know I like to write and most of my characters are those who are similar to ones I know. Although, I feel the friends I have met through blogging know me best. It's great to find insight from those far away and what they are going through. And as you say, it makes life more universal and how much we do have in common.

    Thanks for being here. All the best to your blog and celebrating it, as well.

    1. Oh, your building of characters, Ellie, is outstanding! You've got great insight and understanding of different backgrounds.
      Thanks for your kind words regarding me and my blog.

  7. You are so right! Another advantage of blogging is contact with people whom we would not otherwise meet when we cannot travel. I really enjoy your blog, Thanks!

    1. True. Blogging allows contact with people regardless of their place or ability to travel.
      People with travel problems might never have the chance to meet their blogfellows.

  8. Dearest Duta,
    Good subject except for the 'brainwashing' of the population by Climate Change. That is NONSENSE and it is only used to politically subdue people and instilling fear.
    As for languages, yes it is very healthy to speak a second or even more languages. As for myself, that is seven.
    And my personal story:

    1. Seven languages? I'm utterly impressed, Mariette.(I'm going to read your story).
      As For Climate Change, you may be right. I don't have the knowledge at my disposal which could enable me to decide nonsense, yes or no. The same applies to vaccines. Each to his own.
      Hugs to you too.

  9. I found a lot of real friends in the blog world and continue to value them and their opinions and experiences. I'm glad of your blog, Duta, and I'm surprised that English is your second language, because you write so fluently and idiomatically. Clearly blogging has helped maintain your skills! I disagree about your being ordinary, though!

    1. My main languages are: romanian (native) and hebrew (the language of the country I live in - Israel).
      I've studied english in high school, and further on, done english literature course .
      Yes , I suppose blogging helps maintaining language skills.
      Thanks for your very kind words, Boud.

  10. There are some people I've met blogging that I know better than my actual neighbors.

    1. I believe you, Sandi. In their blogs, people tend to go into details that you have no way to know them, even if you meet in person, or talk on the phone as you do with neighbors.

  11. I agree. It's been a joy to get to know people from other areas and learn more about their lives. I've gotten to know some people quite well and recently even stayed with a blogging friend for a few days. People told me I was crazy because I didn't really know her, but as you know - we get to know each other quite well!

    1. So, you've stayed with a bloggie friend for a few days...that's great, Marie! You're a good example of the right path that blogging friendship can take.

  12. First of all, three cheers. I think that's when I started too and it's a long time. I loved your observations and agree with them all. Except for one. "I have no talent or skill." Yes, you do. You are a marvelous writer. And you have remarkable insight, which I think takes a good degree of observational and interpersonal skill. Just sayin'... Plus, you clearly have a gift for languages. I'm so glad I found you or you found me!

    1. By talent I mean your talent for drawing and painting. I don't have that.
      Anyway, I'm blushing as I read your extra kind, generous, encouraging words about me. Thank you Jeanie.

  13. You certainly have a wonderful talent for coming up with interesting things to write about on your blog and a talent for writing about these subjects. For me, you are one of those blogger friends who comes from a culture different from mine, lives in a country so very different also from mine. And yet I feel a connection and I certainly love to read your blog.

    1. Indeed, Inger. We come from different countries and cultures. Nevertheless, blogging does the right connection and brings us nearer to each other. Thanks for appreciating my blog and my topics.

  14. Blogging is enjoyable and you do learn about people through their bits and pieces in their comments. I used to post on a photo website but changed to blogger and was amazed at receiving people's comment. I started in 2016 but have had breaks every now and then. I enjoy reading your posts because they are very thoughtful and I like to think about what you say or mention. You write about things that matter and I like that,.

    1. If you wish to attract readers, and not just write a monologue, then you have to think about what might interest those readers. "..things that matter...' - as you wisely put it, Bill. Thanks.

  15. Blogging opens the world to bloggers for sure! I enjoy it immensely! People are similar for sure! I learn a lot from the bloggers I follow and from those who comment on my blog!

    1. I'm glad you think so. I am totally with you on this, Marie.

  16. Haha I liked when you wrote (However, if I need or want something badly, I'l find a way to learn how to do it, talent or no talent).. It's always a pleasure to exchange ideas and feelings through blogging.

    1. What I meant by finding a way to learn, is finding a Youtube tutorial to teach me what I need. Nowadays, one can learn a lot of things using Youtube tutorials.

  17. I enjoy both the blog reading and writing process. I've 'met' so many people from so many parts of the world that I wouldn't have otherwise, and I find that if I don't write something on a regular basis my mind starts to deteriorate.

    1. This is an important point, Kathy: writing- brain connection. I believe writing helps keep the brain active and in good shape.

  18. Writing from 2008. Wow. I keep coming back to your blog, Duta. Cause you reply, and then I reply back. That's how it goes. Sometimes it takes a bit longer, I skip one cause life gets busy. But I love your uniqueness and the way you interact with people. Also how you write, the topics. You stick to yourself yet reach out to others. Good job. Hey, I kinda wanted "een bakkie doen" with you. But your country's way too warm for me so I still stay here and drink my coffee or tea on my own.

    1. Reciprocity - that's indeed, how it goes.
      Thanks Arietha for yor kindly referring to me and my blog with words such as uniqueness, mentioning my way of interraction with people, reaching out through way of writing and nature of topics. It's uplifting my spirit.

  19. It's true in what you say Duta. I know I learn so much reading blogs, commenting, reading other's comments and sometimes researching, it's all good for the mind.
    I also love to reply to comments on my blog.
    Take care.

    1. Yes, Margaret, we learn a lot from each others' posts and comments. Blogging definitely enriches our knowledge of things and our vocabulary.

  20. Happy to be a blogger...blogosphere is only used by middle and old age group now as the Young generation is more interested in quick posts as in instagram.

    1. I was under the impression that Instagram is mainly for photos. I might try that too and see what's all about. Anyway, Blogger has been my host for many years, and I'm not going to desert it.

  21. Congratulations Duta on blogging since 2008! Is that 15 years!! You are a great example for us in your faithfulness to your readers and your kindness in reciprocating and your generous heart in encouraging and of course in your sharing on various topics with excellence and sensitivity , with wit (humor) or seriousness all according the topic, and all from your heart and sharing your heart of love and caring throughout the four corners of the blogosphere. Wow I had no idea that you were improving your english skills, you write so well and naturally!
    Love and blessings and continued blogging and blessing for many years to come.❤️

  22. PS that was from me Shayndel! Didn`t realize it was set on anonymous

  23. Dearest Shayndel. Thanks for mentioning your name. Such wonderful words and no name to reply to. I was confused. I suspected it was you as I know your style more or less. Still, no sure without a name.
    What can I say? I feel humble, and here you are with such uplifting words: 'generous', 'reciprocating', 'encouraging'. I can hardly believe it's me you're writing about. And write you can. You're very good at it!!
    I can't thank you enough for your comment, and your blessings.❤️

  24. Congratulations on blogging for so long. I agree with you it's really nice to visit other blogs and see what other people are doing in their life as well as finding out more about them. I have a lot of blogger friends that are from all over the world and as you said we all seem to have more things in common than differences.

    1. Thank you Mary. The longer I blog, the more I become aware that we are all in the same boat, worried by the same things (health, climate, bad neighbors, increasing violence).
      So, despite the differences, we have a lot in common.

  25. Hi, Regine. Thanks for your kind comment.
    Hopefully, things won't stand in my way of going on with blogging. Wishing the same for you, that is, nothing to prevent you from blogging.

  26. I am so glad I found your blog. I love reading about your history too! You are talented for just blogging with the topics you choose. Janice

    1. I'm glad you think well of my blog, Janice. Thank you for your kind words.

  27. i love being a blogger:) this is the best opportunity to meet new people:)

    1. Kathie, dear - you're right. Blogging is a great opportunity to meet new people.

  28. I do enjoy blogging, the people you meet and the variety of blogs is wonderful too.

    I do hope you will keep on blogging for many years to come, I always enjoy my visits to your blog.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan for your encouraging words.
      I enjoy, of course, my visits to your blog too.
      Wishing you the very Best! Keep up the good work of blogging!

    2. Hello Duta, many thanks for your reply to my comment which seems to have disappeared! I think it must be another of bloggers glitches?

      All the best Jan

  29. Don't ever sell yourself short, DUTA....your talent is being a wonderful person. :)

    I began blogging back in 2006....time does fly.

    Take care.

  30. Time does, indeed, fly. Blogging helps us giving it some significance, and making life a bit more interesting, yet it doesn't stop it from dragging us to the final stage. In the meantime, we try to do our best and be good human beings.

  31. Beautifully said. I need to look, don't know how long I've been blogging; but I know it's been a long time. I didn't start here on blogger, I used several other formats before coming here. Like you, I like the variety of topics and people and places. I think it's good for people to learn about other people. I think we all have different skills/talents. You sell yourself short. I always enjoy reading your blog and appreciate the back and forth. Have an awesome day.

    1. I remember some good ,intelligent bloggers, but they left for other formats, mainly Facebook. Well, I remained 'faithful' to Blogger.
      Thanks Sandy, for your kind and encouraging words.
      An awsome day to you, too!

  32. I can admire someone who understands more than one language. I think that is a talent and you should not sell yourself short. You read my blog despite me blogging in English. For blogs not written in English I have to depend on Google translate and I suspect its translations do not pick up all the flavor and true meanings of the non-English sentences it is trying to translate. Meanwhile, I've been blogging since 2009, and have enjoyed the journey enough to keep writing blog posts and reading blogs. Our world would not work properly without people of different talents and dispositions. So thank you for your posts and discovering my blog. That's how I discovered your blog.

    1. Google Translate has greatly improved. I'm currently reading a blog in polish, one in spanish,and have no problem with understanding or placing a comment. I also read and comment sometime on blogs in portuguese and greek.
      I totally agree with your view, Alana, that "the world would not work properly without people of different talents and dispositions".
      Thanks Alana for your kind words, and for being there from 2009.

  33. Congratulations to you, Duta, on your longevity in the blog world and I have been blogging within the same time frame. I have always enjoyed the variety of topics and the fact that you faithfully reply to so many comments, thank you.

    1. Thank you Beatrice. I'm glad and flattered of your reading my blog and placing comments on it.
      Well, a variety of topics and replying to comments are to me the heart and soul of blogging.

  34. Replies
    1. You could say that REC. Variety and differences usually create a pleasant and interesting atmosphere for people in general, and for blog readers in particular.

  35. Interesting to read this post.

    I've started a blog recently, and I'm really enjoying it. I blog purely for pleasure.

    Initially, my plan was to do book reviews and write about art (which I really enjoy). My plan now - after I finish an upcoming course in London as a student - is to get a job and travel the world and document all the art I see. I think its become a life project to travel and document and analyse Byzantine art, Islamic, Chinese Western movements etc.

    1. Thank you. If you like writing, then blogging is for you. The world is now in quite a big mess (social unrest, climate change, wars ). Your plan and project require a thorough preparation. Good Luck with everything.
