Showing posts with label demograpics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demograpics. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The three D's : Dependence, Democracy, Demographics

 I was once told that dependence  of any kind is...'slow death'.

I'v given much thought to dependence as an individual, trying to learn how to minimize it. I've given only little thought as to the country's dependence on other countries or factors.

We've always been dependent on the USA.  America is our greatest friend, ally, mother and father. Without her backing we feel like orphans.

Being a small country, surrounded by adversaries, Israel greatly needs the american military,  diplomatic, economic  support.

I must say, that I don't consider this  a healthy relationship, as it prevents us from seeing and facing reality clearly. Besides, times change,interests change, things get complicated for both sides.

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Democracy means 'power of the people' (greek: demos- people, kratos - power). It's a way of governing which depends on the will of the people. The majority wins the elections.   It can be successful  where the nation is more or less stable demographically.

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In our neck of the woods,  certain circles (mainly orthodox, but not only) have a high birth rate and that turns democracy into a joke.  We are experiencing now this kind of joke following  the last elections when these circles , not the most productive ones in the population, got the majority of votes and are now trying to shape everything according to their way of life - which is not for the benefit of the whole country.

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