Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Ticks and Tricks


Recently, there has been an outbreak of West Nilus Virus in Israel.

A few hundred  people have been infected , several people (elderly and immuno-compromised) have died.   In hebrew, the infection is shortly  called  'Kadahat  HaNilus' (Nilus Fever).

As it is summer with strong waves of heat and humidity, the Ministry of Health has issued some warnings concerning  flying /crawling insects and their bites.   People are advised to use repellents,  wear long sleeves and long pants to cover exposed skin, avoid places with a large population of bugs (parks, woods , gardens). 

Keeping bugs out  by sealing entry points (cracks, gaps etc..) and using mesh on windows , is the way to go. However,  these measures don't completely solve the problem.

Whenever I see any of the insects in the house, I try to act immediately. For ants I use water, for cockroaches  I've got a proper spray that eliminates them.  It goes without saying, that we have to maintain clean kitchen and bathroom; 

So far, I've not used any repellents. I might do, if necessary.
I've noticed that mosquitos (the ones biting us ) are active mainly in the dark; so,  lights on to prevent biting , is a good measure. A fan (near the computer or bed) is also  a good preventive measure; it keeps the flies away.

When outside, I sadly,  avoid the shadowy places with bushes and trees. It so happens that when I sit on a bench to rest for a few minutes, I get bitten (even through the sleeves and pants) and that's very annoying.  
So,  I'll prefer to walk on the sunny side of the street until I get to my destination ( applying sunscreen  prior to getting out of the house is a Must!). 

Hopefully, the crisis of the Nilus Virus , and the heat of the summer will both soon end.   I have no wish at all , to get adventurous and deal with bugs of any kind, neither at home, nor outdoors.

                                                                              insects among flowers (AI image)


  1. We have never had cockroaches here, that I know of, but mosquitoes, flies and ants aplenty. So if West Nilus Virus hasn't appeared in previous summers, has some change occurred this northern summer? Perhaps it was a virus that was known elsewhere, and only recently has spread to Israel etc.

    1. The virus and the disease (usually mild, resembling the flu) caused by mosquitoes, are not new here, but this year , for some reason, its peak has come early (usually mid-august) and forcefully.

  2. I do hope you can avoid being infected. Bugs LOVE me and I am immunocompromised. And careful.

    1. I always say that about bees - 'bees love me'. I've beent stung by them several times. Believe me - it's not fun.

  3. It is that time of year. The precautions we have to go through. We have had some really big fat ants this year. I'm not sure which is worst, big or small..we have had a wet summer too which means more bugs and more mosquitos. Thanks for all your tips and tricks. I do appreciate it. Stay safe.
    We have had a lot of RSV this summer too. Or so it seems, and it has hit me hard. Lots of visits to the doctor.
    I hope you have a good July and August too!

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Ellie. Sorry to hear about the RSV hitting you this summer.
      Wishing you a smooth and healthy summer period!

  4. Didn't know about this virus...we are having a pretty lousy summer here...just rain and rain. I miss sunshine.

    1. We've got no rain at all; just dryness and humidity. We miss a bit of rain, just as you miss sunshine.

  5. .mosquitos don't like me but are always a problem for my other half. I hope there no more infected bite casualties in your region.

    1. Thank you, Betty. Hopefully, no more bites and infections!

  6. I'm sorry to hear that. It's good you are taking preventative measures and I hope this passes quickly!

    1. Well, Mari, I do what I can. I live in a relatively old building, so prevention can be hard.

  7. Oh my goodness Duta, that's not good. It's difficult to keep the mosquitoes away at times. At home here we have flyscreens to every window and doors outside eg, front door and back door.
    Keep safe and take care.

    1. Yes,, flyscreens of good quality, on windows and doors, could ,indeed, be effective.

  8. This is definitely an extra anxiety you didn't need. I hope you stay well through it.

    1. Right, Boud - an 'extra anxiety". Thanks for wishing me well.

  9. West Nile is here in Toronto

    1. I'm not familiar with this virus in other places, but it's certainly not good news.

  10. OMG. I didn't know this. I've not been following the news lately. And I'm a favorite of mosquitoes for some reason. They like biting me. I always have a bug shield.

    1. 'bug shiekld' - good for you, Lux G! I'm afraid the mosquitoes like biting all of us, humans.

  11. Bugs are terrible here -- lots of mosquitoes, among others. I haven't hear of the virus kicking in here this year (though it has in the past.) Good luck to you, Duta. I hope you and those you love stay well.

    1. Yes, they're everywhere, and behave badly.
      Thank you Jeanie for wishing me and my close ones, well.

  12. There is always something! Stay safe…in so many ways!

    1. Exactly. There's always something, and we must be careful at all ages, especially in the 'third age'. Thanks Marie for thinking about my safety.

  13. Oh, my goodness Duta - I have not heard that news. You sure don't need to be dealing with that. It seems you are doing a lot to prevent it. I haven't heard it here in Georgia - it is probably so hot the mosquitos die first. Just kidding. I am sorry you are dealing with it.

    1. The heat is killing us all.
      By the way, the virus is not named after the Nilus river, but after a region in Uganda where it was first discovered. So, now you know some more about it.

  14. That sounds really unpleasant, Duta, that virus. I thought it wasn’t in the Netherlands, but when I googled it, I read that in October 2020, the first infection with the West Nile virus was found in a patient in the Netherlands, and then more cases followed.

    I use spray in Summer, when I walk in the forest because I always have an allergic reaction. It’s not severe but enough to have a huge bump (hand-sized) for a week. That’s also the reason I take antihistamines every day.

    Thanks for the tip about the light and the fan. Oh, and I love your picture! Summer greetings from the Netherlands!

    1. You're a brave lady, Aritha! Taking those antihistamines regularly, is quite a task!
      I have occasional allergies; haven't done anything about antihistamines. I definitely should!!
      Wishing you a wonderful summer in your lovely Netherlands!

  15. Mosquitoes are my enemy. I hate them and I seem to be the only one that gets bothered by them in my family. We have some flies flying around so I catch them and show them the way out. Other than that, I can't complain. I hope your situation gets better. Stay safe!

    1. Yes, they are enemies. Their biting is not doing us good. Hopefully, the weather will get better, and make them retreat from our life. Thanks ,Bill, for wishing me well.

  16. Stay safe, Duta, and away from those nasty mosquitoes! They love to get me, too, so I have to take precautions.

    1. 'Nasty' - you may say that again about mosquitoes.
      Blessings to you too, dear Martha.

  17. Oh dear Duta.
    Take precautions. Though you sound on top of it.
    Thankfully our weather is too cold for this nonsense in England.

    1. The best precaution is to avoid mosquitoes, and that's not so simple. In summer, they are anywhere. You may be right about the cold weather; it has its benefits.

  18. Thank you for mentioning about the virus, Duta. I didn't realize that Israel was being affected by it. I pray for Israel anyway, but I will add this as well.

    Stay safe from the bugs and mosquitoes.


    1. Yes, there's been an outbreak of the virus recently. May God help us!
      Thank you Dianna for your prayers!

  19. I'm glad you are taking the measures available. Please take care dear Duta.

    1. Thanks for your concern about me. I was just told by someone that vinegar repells mosquitoes. I might try to find out about that.

  20. We have one case here in our county of west Niles. I stay away from the shade and trees as we have bad ticks here as well. The mosquitoes are horrible this year so no outside for me when dusk comes. Janice

    1. You're doing the right thing, Janice. As they say - 'better safe than sorry'.

  21. i did not know about this virus...

    1. Sadly, it does exist, and though usually mild, it could cause a lot of health problems to people with a weak immune system.

  22. In my part of the United States, our major concern is ticks carrying something we call Lyme Disease and also producing an allergic reaction called alpha-gal syndrome that leaves the victim unable to tolerate any product (meat, dairy, even garden supplements) made from mammals. But our southern states have had some West Nile outbreaks in the past. I wonder what later this summer will bring.

    1. I've recently read about lyme disease in a blog I follow. The husband (who's on cancer treatment) got it, and is improving due to an antibiotics he takes daily.
      Insects are not our friends, certainly not during heat and humidity waves.

  23. Sounds nasty and they really don't need more things to deal with over there. We've not had as much trouble as we sometimes do; but I did have the exterminator out this year earlier to hopefully nip things in the bud before the problem escalated. He sprays the house on the outside, trouble areas inside and we use bat traps both in and out. Inside in the garage and basement. It's an old house so mice can be a problem. Stay well.

    1. Well, the exterminator probably did a good job. Hopefully, the bat traps work, both in and out.

  24. Goodness! Sorry to read about this.
    Very important to take preventative measures, which you are doing.
    Stay safe.

    All the best Jan

    1. We're all familiar with the saying: 'Prevention is the best cure'. Yet, it's not always possible to do it hermetically. I try to do my best, and pray to God to protect me.

  25. When we were homeowners and I worked out in the yard, mosquitoes always found me. We also had summer time issues with fruit flies as we lived in an agricultural area in VA. Now as apt dwellers, those annoyances are gone.

  26. It seems you had the wisdom to make your life better and with no 'annoyances'. Kudos to you!

  27. Never heard of this virus...stay safe

    1. You might hear or read about it, but please do not catch it! Like any other viruses, it can cause health trouble.

  28. Imagino el momento de terror que tiene que ser, el estar acostado en la cama intentado dormir, y en la oscuridad de la habitación, escuchas el zumbido que produce el aleteo de uno de esos mosquitos, cerca de tu cara... ¿Increíble verdad? que un pequeñito insecto volador sea capaz de causarnos ese terrible miedo, he incluso hasta la muerte...¿Tendremos algo de culpa los seres humanos? por la contaminación de las aguas, para que las picaduras de los mosquitos se conviertan en algo letal...
    Ahí lo dejo...
    Un abrazo, apreciada amiga Duta.

    1. Your description is correct, Manuel. A small fly can cause one lack of sleep, fear of its bite, and even disease.
      Sadly, authorities don't take the right precautions of dealing with water pollution, and environmental garbage.

  29. With all the rain and cool weather, very few insects are seen. Anyway I have no problems, my cat takes care of them, she likes to eat them ! Here the Covid is back, but nothing special, it's like a cold, but some people wear masks again. If you don't do the test nobody knows if you have the Corona Virus or not. Anyway you feel sick !

    1. Your remarks about the cat eating the insects , made me smile, Ingrid, - and that's good!
      Corona is still present , and some people don't give up the masks as they prevent the flu as well.

  30. Yikes. I hate to hear this. Sounds like you're taking all the necessary precautions. Stay safe.

    1. Indeed, not pleasant to hear, read about, and especially experience mosquitoes bites.
      Thanks Sandra for wishing me to stay safe.

  31. Oh yeah. He was great.I had no idea he was still alive either. Sandra

  32. Whoops. I think I left my comment under Ticks and Tricks. Sandra
