Thursday, March 21, 2024

The three D's : Dependence, Democracy, Demographics

 I was once told that dependence  of any kind is...'slow death'.

I'v given much thought to dependence as an individual, trying to learn how to minimize it. I've given only little thought as to the country's dependence on other countries or factors.

We've always been dependent on the USA.  America is our greatest friend, ally, mother and father. Without her backing we feel like orphans.

Being a small country, surrounded by adversaries, Israel greatly needs the american military,  diplomatic, economic  support.

I must say, that I don't consider this  a healthy relationship, as it prevents us from seeing and facing reality clearly. Besides, times change,interests change, things get complicated for both sides.

AI generated picture

Democracy means 'power of the people' (greek: demos- people, kratos - power). It's a way of governing which depends on the will of the people. The majority wins the elections.   It can be successful  where the nation is more or less stable demographically.

voting  (AI generated picture)

In our neck of the woods,  certain circles (mainly orthodox, but not only) have a high birth rate and that turns democracy into a joke.  We are experiencing now this kind of joke following  the last elections when these circles , not the most productive ones in the population, got the majority of votes and are now trying to shape everything according to their way of life - which is not for the benefit of the whole country.

AI generated picture


  1. This is very interesting, Duta. I don't know much about Israel's political set up, but I agree with you on dependence and independence, both globally and individually. As you mentioned, things can change and if either party is too dependent on the other, it can present some real issues. It's an interesting post and good food for thought here.

    1. Thank you Jeanie. I'm able to detect problems, but cannot offer solutions as I'm just an ordinary person .

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed so, Christine. A nation is a very complex entity.

  3. The current administration's failure to secure our borders is all because they want people here whom they think will vote for them down the road. That is such a sad commentary on their goal to take complete power and keep it in perpetuity. They're even waffling on their commitment to Israel because they worry about losing the votes of the outspoken Muslim Americans. They should absolutely be ashamed of themselves! I could write an entire blog about this, but don't want to be a Debbie Downer.
    Blessings, Duta!

    1. Sadly, all that interests politicians (everywhere) is the number of voters , and to Hell with the country , its people, and values.
      Blessings to you too, Martha!

  4. Very thought provoking, DUTA.

  5. There are issues they have put on hold for a very long time..and it might be catching up to them now. I feel many of our elected are not in touch with reality, either. And of course, we ask ourselves, "How long can this go on?" It is definitely a tricky and strange time for many countries. I too feel we are stuck. I'll keep you in my prayers. Meanwhile I will have to figure out how to stretch a meal in to two. Thanks for the post.

    1. The most important line in your comment, Ellie, is that the elected are not in touch with reality, and this, at least in our case, brings about disaster.

    2. Yes, we definitely need elected officials with solutions for the people. It feels we don't have the choices we used too. It feels like we are in a reality show that has gone bad, watching their personal issues come in to play when we should be finding peace. Also thanks for your comment. What a wonderful surprise to find out you play the violin.

    3. That's what I think too - that we are in a kind of reality show gone wrong.
      I've even got a picture with the violin:)

  6. I just read Martha's comment and agree with her 100%.
    You have made some very good points here, all that dependence is not good. If only politicians really looked at what is best for the people and the country, and didn't just care about votes, we would be so much better off.

    1. I completely distrust politicians, Mari , as they care only about votes,, not about the country and its people. That is, from my experience in my own country.

  7. Is Israel first past the post, meaning winner take all, or ranked choice voting? The second tends to moderate the majority mindset.

    1. I'm not sure how to answer your question, Boud. Some time before the elections, thera are the 'Primaries' - process by which voters can indicate their preferred candidates for their party.
      Next, come the general elections where the voters choose the preferred party out of a list of participating parties. America's got only two parties; we've got some seven, sometimes more.

  8. So is the Knesset always a coalition?

  9. I totally agree with Martha and Mari. We need to help Israel as much as possible. I am so sorry your country is suffering and I pray a lot. sandie

    1. Oh, Sandie your comment is heart-warming, but then you're american, and America has done and is doing a lot for us.
      Blessings and hugs to you!

  10. We all depend on each other... but too much dependence is not healthy, whichever way you look at it.

    1. Exactly. In fact, the tendency regarding any kind of dependence (on people, on countries, on oil, on loans etc..) should be to reduce it.
      As you say Catarina, : too much is not healthy.

  11. I first thought of Depression when I read 3 Ds. Too much of everything is never good, and being totally dependent particularly bad.

    1. The three D-s can ,indeed, cause one to feel depressed.

  12. Oh gosh, so many countries rely on the USA.
    That's not good regarding the election there, doesn't seem at all fair Duta.

    1. Well, that's the price of being a super-power with resources and knowledge like the USA. All the others depend on her.

  13. I think any successful relationship, whether personal or political, is based on interdependence. Each entity gives and takes from each other.

    1. True. Interdependence is part of life. However, it should be monitored; too much of it is bad.

  14. With so many parties, a coalition government is the result and so is compromise. Some extreme elements can become part of the mainstream. Everyone has a voice but not necessarily the sole voice of the majority governs. I don’t know if how I see it is actually the way it is.

    1. I'm afraid there is nothing valuable one could see and learn from it. Majority, minority, coalition, opposition - all of them fail when it comes to decisions about the country and its people.

  15. Such a great post, and insightful comments too.
    I have watch the pendulum slowly shift back to center (though still a long way off) and hopefully we will see more elections "by the people, for the people" like Argentina has had.
    It's sad when those professing to "care about the little people" get a taste of power - evidenced over the last few years - and then, do not want to give that power up. Until, of course, the people revolt.
    The battle for democracy is heating up across the globe. People (those who thought they had no power) are finding they actually have it, but haven't harnessed it, until now.
    I say good luck to us all... as the world tries to find balance and harmony.

    1. Thank you Jenny for your kind comment. You've made my day with it.
      Good Luck, indeed, to the world trying to find "balance and harmony"!

  16. It's difficult to vote in America, you only have two candidates and both should let their places for younger people and settle in a retirement home !

    1. Yes, Gattina, two parties, two presidential candidates - too little for such a big, diverse electoral power.

  17. Solo deseo que los gobernantes miren hacia los ciudadanos y trabajen para ellos.

    Abrazos Duta.

    1. No great chance of that. The rulers ignore us. We, the citizens are only the means by which they get power and benefits.

  18. Unfortunately this is also happening in our beloved USA. The current administration is trying its best to ruin the other candidate. The current admin also said that Israel needs to have another vote. This is wrong. We the people need to turn our own country already is a hot mess. Janice

    1. I know, America has its own internal problems. I wish and pray that it solves them smoothly and to the satisfaction of all involved, as she's a terrific nation.

  19. That's exactly what's happening in NZ. They are only there for a selected few and make life hard for the rest of the country. It makes me question if democracy exists

    1. All I can tell you, Marja, is this - if what we have here, in my country is democracy, then I don't like it.

  20. Firstly, my apologies for not being a regular visitor of late. Certain things have gotten in the way, but I'm pushing them aside whether they like it or not! :)

    You will always have me on your side, DUTA Take very good care, my best wishes and thoughts go out to you. :)

    1. Yes, things always get in the way. I had a rough winter because of a roof leak. I'l have to wait till the heat of the summer to deal with the roof.
      Thanks for your warm wishes, Lee!
      Blessings and hugs to you!

  21. I read your post yesterday and then couldn't put together a comment - in our United States politics are a mess (to put it mildly) right now and we may be having a government shutdown at midnight tonight. (That doesn't mean our government goes away but it is an extensive financial situation). Everything is so out of balance, and that affects the entire world, as you, sadly, knows.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Alana. I'm not familiar with details of american politics and economy. I only know, America is the only country we can fully trust.

  22. People will try to find "common" goods in the near future.

    1. Hopefully, people everywhere, will open their eyes and demand what's good for them. Politicians should cease using them only for their own political or economical benefits.

  23. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sandi. Purim is a joyful holiday with celebrations that include costumes, noisemakers, food specialties , and lots of fun activities. This year It starts evening of 23 March and ends on evening of 24 March.

  24. May it always be said of America that it supports Israel. We are told by God to pray for Israel...but unfortunately, not everyone realizes that who is in power.

    Happy Purim to you, my friend. xx

    1. Thanks Dianna for your good wishes.
      Blessings and Hugs to you!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My dependence is on God my Creator and the Creator of the world.

  26. Israel is a very special little piece of land. A shelter to Jews treated as an external species, like the wandering jew, in their own native homelands. It should be allied by decent societies that have gotten over their antisemitism.

    1. It definitely was like that, in the very beginning. Then, it sadly deteriorated into a third world country which led it to its present situation.

  27. Replies
    1. Yes, Mary, you and all of us can and do understand the issues behind the above 3D-s.

  28. it is a shame when democracy does not work for everyone as it is intended too :( Although I don't know much about your politics I hope that the solution presents itself :)

    1. Yes, Mica dear, it is a shame. The solution, however, is hard to find.

  29. This is an interesting article. "In the neck of the woods, certain circles have a high birth rate and that turns democracy into a joke.",,,,,, one of those things that many countries face but the so called politicians like to brush it under the carpet (which suits them)

    1. Thank you. Sadly, a lot of vital things are 'brushed under the carpet by politicians.

  30. Me parece apreciada amiga, muy sabia bien razonada, tu reflexión. Solamente me gustaría añadir, con tu permiso, sobre la "Dependencia", que, siempre que Estados Unidos os considere un aliado estratégico, y uno de sus principales clientes de su potente industria armamentística, la situación con los países vecinos no va a cambiar nada; y en mi humilde opinión, igual que las casas se empiezan a construir por lo cimientos, este problema tengo claro que se puede resolver por vía diplomática entre los países árabes, con ayuda de estamentos internacionales como la ONU, y por supuestos con todos los componentes dispuestos a ceder en algunas cosas, bien sean territoriales, de credos, o políticas.
    Igual que Roma no se hizo en un día, esto puede tardar años, pero algún día habrá que empezar; porque es la única forma de conseguir dejar de ser el conejillo de indias de países poderosos, igual que le sucede a Iran con Rusia.
    Un fuerte abrazo, y gracias por tan interesante post,

    1. You seem to see things clearly, Manuel. Me, I'm confused and sad by what's going on around. What helps me is my belief in God , that He'll find the best way to strenghten and protect us.

    2. Te entiendo perfectamente, y siento mucho la situación que estáis sufriendo, yo también le pido a Él todos los días de que acabe esto pronto, no solo ahí, si no también por otros muchos lugares del mundo donde se están dando situaciones similares.
      Otro abrazo va, y arriba ese ánimo.

    3. Thanks a lot, Manuel, for trying to uplift my low spirits.
      May God Almighty bring lasting Peace to this conflict torn world!
