Sunday, November 12, 2023

Globalization - the world interacting together

1.   We asked for it (globalization), and we got it. What happens in one corner  of the world, affects life in the remaining corners.

Ukraine, Gaza, and other places, are daily  'on the table'   everywhere in the world through protests, violence, rise in prices, danger of nuclear war , etc... 

To all those who roll their eyes up and mention 'innocent' people - please be aware that there are no innocent people. We are all sinners, big sinners:  wicked, evil, conceited, stupid, greedy, cruel, and... the list is long.

Israel sees herself as part of the western world, imitates everything western, including use of foreign labor in vital fields: agriculture, industry, services.   Foreign work has its advantages and disadvantages, but in our case it also poses security risks.

Israel has probably employed  arabs  from Gaza, at the border settlements where  the 7h of October slaughtering took place. I suppose those  workers have  taken shots of each house, garden,  path, lane , event, and submitted the info  to the Hamas  terrorists prior to the ferocious attack.

2.   In a previous post, I mentioned my theory that globalization is a challenge on God's  diverse world order.  Hence, natural  disasters have intensified since the increase of Globalization processes (during the  last decades) which seek to make the world one big place with interconnected cultures and economies.

It seems Climate Change is not going to have any mercy on us. We cannot prevent the disasters even if we make all the proper ecological efforts;     it's in God 's hands,  and God is furious at us for constantly violating His world Creation in the name of progress and evolution. 


  1. Oh, a fierce post. And well said. There will always be conflict. Unfortunately. Certainly, communication skills will always be something we hope to find productive. Yes, you have definitely given up food for thought. And I keep prayering for peace and rain. And yet, it might come a blizzard when least expected.

    1. Thank you Ellie.Hope it really gives one food for thought.

  2. Interesting post, Duta. We are all sinners. I can't argue with that. I have heard globalism compared to the Tower of Babel.

    1. Thanks. There are three related concepts: globality, globalism, globalisation - which mean more or less the same thing. - turning the world into one big market (one tower of Babel as you put it)..

  3. Dearest Duta,
    The world is within reach through Internet but I WISH there would be more respect and positive interaction in this global market where humans try to exist.
    Yes, living with cultures that adhere to 7th Century lifestyle is rough and only God can help us in that.
    May he have mercy on all of us!

  4. Thank you for the great food for thought.

    1. You're welcome, Kathy. Hopefully, it indeed gives people food for thought.

  5. Progress so often seems to be only a backwards step.

    1. Right. Sadly, it's not always a move towards advance, betterment.

  6. We are all sinners...I certainly couldn't agree with you more about it. A thought provoking post, Duta.

    1. Well, that's what I believe, based on my personal life experience. I'm pleased that you agree with me, Angie.

  7. We are all sinners - it does put a different perspective on things, doesn't it. What is also troubling to me in the United States is the number of students on college campus supporting events that they don't even understand, and they turn on their fellow students. No respect.

    1. Young people on the campuses of the western countries, should raise their head and look around. They don't do that, and one day they'll get shocked. They'll find out that the country's run by foreigners with a big demographic superiority. It'll be too late.

  8. Too many people are asleep and have no interest in what happens in the world so long as they get what they want. It's sad and I pray and hope things can change but in reality I believe it's too late.

  9. Well said, Duta. I must agree, God is NOT happy with us. We have thrown Him aside and raised ourselves to the place of honor and glory which solely belongs to Him. Will we ever learn?

  10. Oh, Martha. I knew you would understand me. 'Not happy' - is an understatement. I'm afraid we'll never learn.

  11. It would be nice if everyone could just get along but I don't see that ever happening.

    1. Indeed it would, but it's not likely. Conflicts and wars areconstantly initiated and carried out by people.

  12. A globalização resulta de haver um planeta Terra para toda a Humanidade, incluindo, evidentemente,
    o mundo animal, vegetal e mineral.
    O problema é que o homem ainda não aprendeu a interagir pacificamente.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Indeed, so. However, the interaction created through globalization processes is not all positive. It has drawbacks too.

  13. Food for thought indeed. Globalization and climate change make for a different world indeed.

    1. You got the point, Marie. The two issues globalization and climate change create a different world, indeed.

  14. My wish is...always has been...and always will be as long as I'm still alive...that humans get along with each other! Get rid of the hate, prejudices, violence, disrespect.....When will humans ever learn? Sadly, I believe "never" is the answer.

    Take good care, DUTA.

    1. You wish well, Lee, but humans cannot and are not going to fulfill your wish. They are not capable of getting rid of the bad side in them.

  15. It's a mess this world. Whatever happens seems to effect us all in some large or small way.

    1. That's globality. What happens in one place affects life , to some extent, in other places. We can't avoid it.

  16. Things seem worse and worse on just about every level -- political, ecological, kindness. Makes me worried about the world of my grands.

    1. 'I've heard lots of times, people expressing worry about the world which awaits the grands. I believe they're right to be worried.

  17. Thoughts to ponder. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  18. Yes, it is. I believe there's a strong connection btween globalization and the disasters caused by Climaet Change.

  19. I do worry about the world and where it is going, but it is all in God's hands for sure. Janice

    1. To worry is human, but the verdict is in God's hands.

  20. Un texto para la reflexión que te agradezco, Duta.
    Un mundo globalizado del que formamos parte, con muchos intereses que degradan la convivencia y los derechos humanos más elementales, la mayoría de las veces.
    Ahí estamos resistiendo.
    El futuro se presenta negro.

  21. I definitely agree with your view on the globalized world. Indeed, the future is not optimistic.

  22. Yo también soy persona de Fe, pero tengo muy claro de que nada tiene que ver Dios, sobre tantos horrores e intentos de genocidios que están cometiendo los dos descerebrados líderes de Rusia e Israel; e igual que veo la culpa en los seres humanos, somos también los humanos los que les debemos decir a esos dos locos ¡¡BASTA YA, DE MATANZAS Y DE VENGANZA, CON EL INOCENTE PUEBLO CIVIL, Y SOBRE TODO CON LOS NIÑOS!!, que ya van en Gaza más de cuatro mil niños muertos, y en Ucrania algo menos, aunque tan solo la muerte de un solo niño, es motivo para detenerlos.
    Condeno firmemente el terrorismo de Hamas, que por cierto lo creó Israel, con el fin de desestabilizar a la OLP.
    Y perdona, y dicho con todos mis respetos, el insinuar tan solo que la Globalización pueda tener algo que ver con la masacre y exterminio que se está cometiendo, contra civiles, es mirar para otro lado, aunque se sospeche que algunos obreros hayan podido tomar fotografías... Son ya setenta años viendo tiros contra piedras, y como dice el refrán: Quien siembra odio, cosecha tempestades...
    Un fuerte abrazo, amiga Duta, y perdona que me haya extendido, pero si me callo reviento, hay que echar a estos fascistas del poder ya...porque si no, triste futuro tendrán las generaciones venideras.

    1. You've misunderstood me.
      1. Globalization involves the whole world in everything that happens. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza are in every house around the globe., and it forces people to react. Wrong reactions, will turn the various countries into places similar to Ukraine and Gaza, that is , full of violence ' lies and chaos. The various protests will see to that.
      2. On another level, Globalization is connected, in my opinion, to Climate Change, which causes natural disasters. I believe this has to do with man's violation of God's world creation order.
      I agree with you on one point: this stupid world is going to leave the future generation with a very, very sad reality.

    2. Amiga Duta, no te he entendido mal, solamente te he respondido a esa frase donde dices: "le dimos trabajo a árabes de Gaza, y supongo que ellos fueron los que enviaron imágenes e información a los terroristas de hamas para la matanza del 7 de Octubre."
      Y esta frase me recuerda a unas declaraciones a la televisión española que hizo recientemente la vicealcaldesa de Jerusalén, Fleur Hassan donde decía la obscena frase de : "No entiendo ese odio de los palestinos a Israel, ya que cuando llegamos aquí les dejamos las mejores playas para ellos."... ¡Hay que tener cara dura para decir esto!, y más, una miembro del Gobierno.
      Ya verás que no te he respondido a lo del cambio climático, precios, etc. porque estoy de acuerdo contigo.
      Un abrazo, amiga Duta.

    3. My sentence regarding employment of Gaza workers was written in connection with the topic of Globalization. We shouldn't have employed foreign workers, certainly not hostile workers from Gaza, near the border. It was very stupid on our part, but we see ourselves comitted to globality and its whims.

      I try to keep away from politics in my blog
      I greatly detest politics, politicians, violence, and war., and I will not be dragged into these topics by no one, not even by you, Manuel.

      Let me remind you that Spain was a colonial power that shamelessly and ruthlessly exploited and abused the indigenous population. So, how dare the Spanish, the French, the British , the Dutch, and the citizens of all the other former colonialist empires, dare talk about the "innocence " of Gaza, and criticize Israel's right to self-defence?!!

    4. No te intento arrastrar a ningún sitio, solamente te respondo lo que siento. sobre la cuña que has metido de esta cruenta guerra, en tu artículo sobre la globalización.
      Y según lo que cuentan los historiadores
      estoy de acuerdo contigo en lo que sucedió hace séis siglos con España, etc.
      así como también estoy de acuerdo contigo en que Israel tiene derecho a la autodefensa, pero no a masacrar a civiles e inocentes niños como a privarlos de comida, agua, luz etc.
      Y con esto, si lo quieres publicar, doy por zanjado este tema, y procuraré no hablar más de política en tu blog, salvo que tu hables de ellos, ya que me has demostrado con estos comentarios, que permites la libertad de expresión, cosa que yo valoro mucho, y que dice mucho y bueno de ti, y de que eres persona muy tolerante.
      Un fuerte abrazo, amiga, y gracias por tu buen hacer.

  23. This is my first time visiting with you but I appreciate your insight on globalization. It truly does involve the whole world in everything that happens. Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I enjoyed your visit.

  24. Welcome, Dianna to my blog!
    As for globalization, I'm afraid not everyone grasps the meaning of it. They think they are just uninvolved spectators who are free to criticize others.
    I've very much enjoyed my visit to your blog too.

  25. I like this post. It’s an interesting read. Your blog is truly thought-provoking. Thank you for sharing this. Wishing you a blessed week.

    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog the other day. That is very thoughtful of you.

    1. 'interesting and thought provoking read' - I like that when said about my post. Thank you.
      May you have a wonderful, blessed weekend!

  26. Replies
    1. Yes, Kathy. We live in a period of mostly serious problems. We've got no Answers and no plausible solutions to these problems. May God help us, and protect us!


  27. I am worried about it. I sometimes feel fearful. Until I take up my Bible again, read about God, who He is, and what He has foretold, and the certainty that it is not beyond His control. Nevertheless: worries, pain, sorrow, global anxiety, and people turning against each other, becoming divided. 'Oh, that out of Zion would come the salvation of Israel! When the Lord restores the fortunes of his people, let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad.'"

    1. Reading the Bible, probably calms you down, Aritha. There are indeed global worries, that migt lead to world's extinction at a certain poinrt in time. May God have mercy on us!

  28. In an ideal world everyone would just get along with each other. Unfortunately we are far, far away from that and have been for many years, indeed centuries, as the many wars and conflicts continue.

    As always a thought provoking and interesting post Duta, thank you.

    May you continue to be safe and well.

    All the best Jan

    1. No, it's not an ideal world, and it's probably heading to extinction through a combination of a possible nuclear war and climate change disasters.
      Thanks Jan for your well wishes.
