Friday, June 14, 2024

Doomsday Clock

Until quite recenly I knew nothing about the Doomsday Clock . Never heard of it.

Apparently, this clock, set and maintained since 1947 by experts - atomic scientists actually-  measures nuclear risks, climate change, biological threats,  disruptive / inovative technologies (such as AI).

It's in fact a symbolic clock, an imperfect one, used more as a metaphor than a prediction;  still  - an important device which draws attention to existential threaths, and might show us how close we are, God Forbid,  to destruction.

Judging by most headlines, the world is a mess. Climate Change is doing its terrible work of heavy floodings, scorching fires, lava eruptions,  melting of ice, hurricanes etc.... Arms of all sorts are produced  and shipped to any part of the world for money.  Instability caused by political and social unrest,   leads everywhere to corruption,  wars, and terrorism.

I believe Humans won't be surprised if all the above might lead somehow, someday, to the extinction of the present world.   In the meantime,  they all play the  'elections game'. In many cases, elections are but a farce meant for the gullible- naive people. These elections won't change reality into something better.

On a more dangerous note, elections might lead to  civil war  and bloodshed  due to the diversity of the population, and activism of violent groups within it.

In ny country,  demographics plays a major role in the outcome of the elections. The people in power and their supporters whose majority's completely assured by demographics, are the least knowledgable, the least productive  people in the country, and yet they are the ones who get the state funds and make up the rules. How bad does that sound ? Very bad!

corruption (AI image generated)


  1. Replies
    1. It would look like that. Anyway, if the future looks ominous, one has nothing good to look forward to.

  2. It was our daily nightmare growing up in Europe!

    1. We hope history won't repeat itself, yet reality doesn't look promising.

  3. "are the least knowledgable, the least productive people in the country"

    What do you mean?

    1. To run a country, one must have knowledge in main fields of life, encourage productivity that can contribute to the wellfare of the country and its people.
      Those elected and supported by demographics (high birth rate) only, have sadly got an education that teaches nothing about life.

  4. The corruption image above says it all. Lots of people are only interested in what they can do or get for themselves. We live in a selfish world. No one seems to want to change and that is very sad.

    1. We live, indeed, in a selfish world, where everyone is concerned with his own self. In this way, I'm afraid we might end up with only having our own self around us.

  5. Aunque estoy de acuerdo en casi todo lo que dices, voy a intentar ser positivo, teniendo en cuenta que la humanidad ha sobrevivido en otras ocasiones a grandes catástrofes y trágicas guerras mundiales.
    Y en lo único que no estoy de acuerdo es lo de las elecciones porque pienso que en países democráticos el derecho a votar no se puede jamás perder, porque es la única forma de echar del sillón presidencial a todo aquel que no sea honesto o que no actúe por la mejora de los derechos de la población y por la paz.
    Y aunque en países totalitarios sea más difícil conseguirlo, como está sucediendo en Rusia y en otros muchos países donde desaparecen o mueren de forma misteriosa los opositores al régimen, hay que perseverar hasta conseguir echarlos del poder... y lo dejo aquí.
    También es difícil, pero insisto hay que intentarlo, en países donde gobiernan los extremistas tanto de izquierda como de derechas.
    Te he leído en ocasiones el asco que te dan los políticos, y te entiendo y lo respeto totalmente.
    Un fuerte abrazo, amiga y tómatelo con calma, que lo importante eres tu y tu salud.

    1. I'm for democracy, Marcel, with all its faults. I think it should, however, undergo some revisions. After all the phrase 'democracy' was coined in the 5th century by the greeks - demos (people), kratos (rule) - rule of the people for the people.

      What should be revised is the issue of majority.
      What constitutes a majority? of citizens, of voters, of groups? Should a majority always prevail, even when there's division on certain issues?

  6. I stopped for a minute to look it up - if it was real - it is. I had never heard of it myself.
    I am not surprised to see where it is at - because I feel it is that way over here.
    The world is a mess.
    The politics in my opinion are a mess.
    What people are thinking seems a mess.
    I do think there will be an end to this world - not sure when.
    Blessings to you.

    1. Could be. Just as there's an end to anyone of us individually, there might be a collective end to all of us hen God will decide on that, if ever. . Hope not; it sounds terrible.

  7. I was told about this when I was a kid. I remember my mom saying that she would hate to be me and what I would have to face in the future. It was ominous even then. And it is a shame we aren't smart as a majority. Politics isn't playing the game to help the world. It's like mother nature is trying to bite us in the butt because we wouldn't listen. This is certainly a great topic. I'm glad you posted about it.

    1. Your Mum, ellie, saw things right.
      Poitics plays games all the time, but not for the benefit of the world., on the contrary.

  8. Corruption and politics might as well be interchangeable words.
    Blessings, Duta!

    1. I think so too, Matha. Politicians often misuse the position in which they are placed for personal gain.

  9. Sadly I am aware of that clock and fear that we are edging steadily towards midnight. And, as you and some of your commentators have flagged selfishness has a big part to play. And ignorance.

    1. I see ignorance (whatever its source) as the mother of all the other failures, such as selfishness and corruption.
      Hopefully, Sue, your fears of "edging steadily towards midnight" - won't materialize.

  10. You know Duta I agree with you.
    The world is certainly in one big mess, my husband gets on the band wagon and certainly has his say about things.
    Have heard of that clock but really didn't think it existed, will have to read about it.

    1. Yes, the world is messy, but still controllable to a certain extent. extent. We should all be on the alert as to the threats surrounding us, and what we could do about them.

  11. I don't think we are heading toward Doomsday in a _straight line_. Rather there have been hideous eras in the past (wars, famines, diseases, earthquakes, fatal bushfires, frozen lands, exterminations, oppression of women etc). But these were followed by eras of toleration, animals being protected from extinction, minority cultures protected and food aplenty.
    Our future depends on whether we take notice of the known dangers or not.

    1. The Past makes us hope of good things following the bad ones, but that's no consolation. We don't want the bad ones in the first place.
      At this point, awareness of the treaths and how to overcome them - is the major thing.

  12. I am really not envious of the kids and young people who are going to face an even more challenging world in future.

    1. No, there's definitely no place for envy here. The world is becoming more and more challenging.

  13. Yes, the world is totally in a mess, Duta, for all the reasons you included in this post and then some. In many ways, it is why I do not dwell on news events other than reading the news once each day and then moving on with the day. It is not that I am uncaring or insensitive but powerless to make so many things better. Instead, I do what I can within my surroundings.

    1. Right. Feeling powerless to change things, make them better - keeps us away from dwelling on news.

  14. Our news media in the United States will mention if there's been a time change in the Doomsday Clock. We humans have wanted to destroy ourselves for a long time, it seems, and now we have the power to do just that. Our fate lies n the hands of a handful of people. It's not a good thing to think about constantly. Better to sit and watch the birds and hope for the best.

    1. That's interesting ( the Media mentioning if there was a time change in the Clock)!
      So , it would seem, the fate of humans is indeed, in the hands of few, not the best few available.
      Let's hope for the Best!

  15. I grew up knowing about the Doomsday Clock. We were taught about it in school.

    1. It makes sense. Those like you, Mary, born in the USA and live there , know about the Clock.

  16. Yes I have heard of the doomsday clock and it has been changed so much I no longer pay attention. Janice

    1. I can understand that. One gets used to things and stops paying attention after a certain time.

  17. Hello Duta! Thank you for sharing about the Dooms Day clock. I had not heard of it until I read about it here. We have an election coming up here in the US in's a sad state of affairs.

    1. Elections make things worse. They might lead to bloody clashes, God Forbid!

  18. Replies
    1. What was a nightmare, Kathy?
      Anyway, the Doomsday Clock measures threats that might certainly become our nightmares.

  19. I agree with you. The world is a mess. God help us!

    1. Right, Catarina. Only God can and will help us go through the mess we are in.

  20. As many others have commented, I too think the world is in a mess at the moment.
    I just hope we can all pull together to improve things before it gets any worse!
    It concerns me what sort of world we are leaving for our grandchildren.

    All the best Jan

    1. Grandchildren - that's a bit far., as the mess is close. People should be concerned about themselves and the children.

  21. What a messy future out there...

    1. A messy present makes for a messy future.

  22. I am absolutely terrified of our upcoming elections. And the reset of the world isn't looking any too good right now, either. That clock is ticking faster and faster.

    1. The last sentence of your commrnent, Jeanie, is highly descriptive.

  23. I never heard about a Doomsday Clock either ! About elections I noticed that the most dangerous people are elected by those who never learned to read and write and listen to the loudest voice who promises heaven on earth !

    1. Sadly, I share your opinion on the usual results of elections - the least skillful people get to run the country.

  24. The world is in a, there and everywhere. Humans never learn. One would hope they would, but hope has faded, unfortunately.

    Take very good care, DUTA.

    1. ", there , and everywhere". I like it how you put it.
      As for taking care - I do what I can, but mainly rely on God, and prey to Him.

  25. I agree elections are not very satisfactory. I'd like to mix policies from different parties.
    The Doomsday clock used to be mentioned in the news a lot in the 1960s.

    1. I've ceased to have any positive expectatations of elections. All I wish for is that they don't lead to civil war and bloodshed.

  26. I had heard of the Doomsday Clock, but thought it was just something I read in a book somewhere, didn't realize it was a real thing. It's a scary world out there and I fear for the future generation. I know that God willing I still have at least 20 more years of life left and I'm hoping I can get through that once I retire with prices skyrocketing and Senior Citizens getting less and less benefits as time goes by. But I always say, all I have to do is get through today, tomorrow will take care of itself and I try not to worry. I've always been a glass half full kind of person.

    1. That's the way to go , Alicia :" get through today, tomorrow will take care of itself". Worry won't get you far.

  27. The world is a scary place for all sorts of reasons. I wish politicians would work together more instead of trying to outdo each other and score points. It seems they're in it for their own gain these days rather than the good of the people.

  28. As you've so cleverly noticed, Jo, politicians 'are in it for their own gain rather than the good of the people'. Sad situation!
