Saturday, November 12, 2022

Que Sera Sera

On the 1st of November we had general elections (five rounds of voting in three and a half years!!). Nothing to write home about. As expected (by me, at least), it went from bad to worse. (the results, I mean).
What happened? Well, Democracy got hijacked by demograpy and religiosity. The winners were the right wing party with its natural allies of extreme religious factions.
So, secular and traditional way of life are under threath. 

It's all man-made and local. No point in blaming God or foreign factors. It's not temporary either, as people would like to believe.The winners have obtained a solid majority of mandates which will enable them to set up a steady government.

At my age, I don't plan relocation.  Besides, things look pretty bad  everywhere in this divisive world.  So,  que sera, sera, as the song goes, whatever will be, will be.

Anyway, the concept of Democracy has to be reviewed and revised. It has sadly become  a big farce in many countries.

Our so called democracy is going to be controlled by the orthodox who actually form a state within a state contributing almost nothing  useful to the wellfare of the country; using all its resources but giving nothing in return.


  1. Way before the war, Mapai established the high moral standards, and even after 1948, it controlled the government for decades. Ben Gurion, Levi Eshkol and others might have made mistakes, but democracy never got hijacked.

    1. It doesn't matter what you call it and what names you mention, things look bad, on the verge of almost disintegration.

  2. The right is popular in many parts of the world as you’ve said. We have a new leader of the Conservatives in Canada. Some of the things he’s said are scary. I pray he never becomes prime minister.

    1. Up to now, there were coalitions of various political parties that brought along some highly needed balance. Now, no balance in sight.

    2. Marie, who is he? What things did he say that are scary?

    3. I think Marie's probably referring to the new Conservative Party leader of Canada, Pierre Poilievre.

  3. Fortunately, this week's national elections in the US seem to have repelled the ultra-conservative tide. Fingers crossed that the trend continues.

  4. I'm glad you're pleased with the results.
    Each and every country has its specific problems to be dealt with. Israel's threatened by external wars and terror, has limited land and economic resources; it doesn't need internal conflicts as well. Yet the internal structure might lead to dis integration, I'm afraid.

  5. Replies
    1. I'm certainly not for dictatorship, but I believe that liberal democracy, its checks and balances, its separation of powers - should be reconsidered.

  6. There is such division everywhere in the world. Extreme views on each side lead to polarization. Civilized debate and consideration are gone. We need to learn to listen to each other with the goal of understanding, and to realize that differing views can live together. Extremism is bad for everyone.

    1. Indeed, Lorrie. Different views can co-exist; extremist vews cannot. People should try to listen to, and understand the others.

  7. I just pray and I remember that for whatever reason, God has placed in power the leaders he wants in there for his purpose and his plan and to bring him glory. I continue to pray for the leaders and Israel is nightly in our prayers. I also vote though lately that has been a fiasco here.


    1. I believe God gives us options, choices. HE doesn't actually place the leaders in power. We cannot blame HIM for our wrong action.

  8. The people voted and that's what they wanted it seems. Such a shame others don't get a go to see how they govern.

    1. Yes, it's as simple as that - 'the people voted and that's what they wanted...".

  9. Yes, those mid-term elections just seem to produce more anguish. Although, I feel it's just more of a struggle between two parties that never get anything done. And then there is the economy which is being inflated no matter what. So many agendas and seldom do we see progress.

    1. Frustration everywhere. Problems look unsolvable, politicians incompetent, people wicked more than ever. God can help, but it seems, HE's giving us options, not deciding for us.

  10. I'm sorry to hear that, Duta. I followed a bit of your elections but didn't know all the players or their "sides" on everything. We were shocked here that things didn't go as badly as we expected. Which doesn't mean there isn't a long way to go and the next election in 2024 will tell the story, but it was promising. Thanks for your visits -- it's always lovely when you comment!

    1. There are always many 'players' here, and it can be confusing. There are three main groups" right wing, religious parties, and all the others.The religious parties get majority through their high birth rate, and they form coalition with the right-wing party.

  11. There is a great need for good governance in most nations. Very sad. The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.

    1. Definitely - need for good governance. The impression we get, is that there's no governance at all. We're all in a big mess.

  12. Seguí las noticias por la televisión, pero desconocía estos datos que nos aporta; y es una pena porque en todos los países donde la religión domina la política de forma fanática y extremista, no se avanza en cuanto a los derechos y libertades del resto del pueblo, porque la iglesia está anquilosada, y seguirá así por los siglos de los siglos.
    Se suele decir en España que la avaricia rompe el saco...esperemos que algún día se rompa ese saco, y el pueblo soberano que los vota se de cuenta de que están siendo manipulados.
    Un abrazo, amiga Duta, y gracias por tenernos informados de la actualidad de tu país.

  13. OMG Oh my god. The same thing is happening here in the states. What is this world coming too. indeed. Janice

    1. The truth is, I'm not following closely the elections in other countries, as I'm quite frustrated with our own elections (fifth time in less than four years! when it should take place once in every four years.).

  14. It has become more difficult to think about and draw political decision from common good.

    1. I try not to think about politics as it practically makes me sick. I've come to believe, politics is the source of all evil.

  15. At least here religion is not allowed in politics ! Anyway religions are man made, in fact if you leave out our bible there was god and nobody else. So the Jews were the first believers in god. All the rest what was added in the Torah, Bible or Koran is the invention of men who could read and write and could tell whatever they wanted the people to believe. I have read the old and new bible like a roman and stated there are so many contradictions and if you consider that all that had been translated in more than 2000 languages, each translator could also put his opinion in the translations !

    1. Religion should be separated from politics, not be part of it, and even control it as in our case. You're lucky in Belgium!
      Indeed, the Bible is a great book but with many contradictions!

  16. Your last paragraph says it all, and it is practically the same story everywhere and in any country. Sad.

    1. Sad, indeed. We feel helpless about the situation created over the years. Now, it seems too late to change things.

  17. Replies
    1. I'm not sure about that. Poland with its communist past, wouldn't let religious circles interfere the way things are done in our country. But, what do I know?

  18. You are right, religion should not enter into politics. I hope that this turn to the right in so many countries is just a phase we have to wait out. I was surprised also last fall to see how many votes the far-right Marine Le Pen received in France but at least she was not elected. We should be pleased to be seniors, because the future for the new generations does not look that promising. Hang in there, friend.

    1. I totally agree with the last paragraph of your comment about us seniors, and the future generations. Future does not look promising at all.

  19. Sad and not good for anyone's future anywhere. Thanks for your visit to my blog today. I hope you are well.

    1. You're welcome. Yes, the world future doesn't look good. Sad, indeed.

  20. Reading through all the comments, I do agree with what Lorrie said.

    All the best Jan

    1. I can see why. Lorrie's comment has brought up the very important need of avoiding polarization.

  21. Bom dia Duta. A democracia está voltando ao normal no Brasil.

  22. It's bad everywhere sad to say. We just had our elections for some positions too and the Republicans have too many seats. Not good at all.

    1. Elections are a very costly event. In our case, it was a real waste of money as the outcome was not a surprise. The winners were those with the large families, and they form the majority.

  23. Hi Duta,
    I understand that there is discouragement, but I want to encourage you to be hopeful,
    Israel is not just any nation, it is the Holy Land of the promises that are still yet to all be fulfilled for the coming Redemption. Remember our forefathers and fore-mothers and the wells they dug and the promises that they were given, which will come to pass. The LORD says He will not rest until Jerusalem becomes a praise in all the earth. There are so many words of life to hold onto in the Torah and the prophets and I hope you can look again to the word of G-d, even as you mention `secularism` I believe we are being called to return to the word of G-d. There is where you will find hope. I pray it springs forth in you, as we read about your namesake Rebecca, Rivka in this week`s Torah Portion!!
    I have confidence in you , Rivka !!!

    Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You. Let those who love Your salvation continually say: HaShem be magnified! From Psalm 40

    Blessings and Love,
    Shabbat Shalom !!

    1. It's such a delight to read your comment, Shayndel!
      Well, I do believe in God, pray to God, and am God-fearing. However, unlike those religious circles that won the elections, I don't use God's name to get money and benefits while not giving the country anything in return.
      Blessings and Hugs to you!
      Shabbat Shalom!

  24. Replies
    1. The real craziness starts after the elections, when trying to deal with their impossible outcome.

  25. As the others said, unfortunately, we have the SAME problems. And we will continue to have them so long as right wing sources keep sending out misinformation and leaders don't correct them.

    1. Perhaps, if we try to stop thinking in terms of right and left in politics, things might improve and make our life a better one. Who knows?
